You’ve Got 8 Arms, Use Them!

Good morning, everyone! Let’s kick off the day with some valuable insights from Carl White’s Loan Officer Freedom Podcast, Episode 406, titled “Octopus Marketing.” Carl shares a powerful concept that every loan officer should consider: the idea of using multiple “arms” or methods to generate business, just like an octopus. 

We all know that the Daily Success Plan (DSP) is crucial to our business. It’s the foundation of our daily activities and helps us stay consistent in our efforts. However, it’s essential to remember that relying on just one method to generate business isn’t enough. Think of it this way—if an octopus had only one arm, it wouldn’t be very effective at catching its prey. That’s why it has eight arms, each working independently to achieve a common goal. 

Carl emphasizes the importance of having multiple marketing methods in place. If you’re solely focusing on making phone calls, you’re limiting your potential. But when you start adding other methods, like email marketing, direct mail, social media, blogging, and even podcasts, you’re creating multiple avenues for generating business. Each of these methods is like an additional arm, reaching out to different segments of your target audience. 

There are a couple of key reasons why this approach is so effective. First, by diversifying your marketing efforts, you increase your chances of connecting with potential clients. Each method brings a different opportunity to the table, and together, they create a comprehensive strategy that covers all your bases. Second, if one of these methods becomes less effective or even obsolete, you’re not left scrambling. You’ve still got several other “arms” working for you, ensuring that your business continues to grow. 

So, the takeaway here is simple: First, always work the DSP as your main marketing ARM, but be sure to have multiple marketing strategies in place, and don’t be afraid to experiment with new ones. If one approach stops working, you can easily pivot and replace it, just like an octopus can regrow a lost arm. 

For a deeper dive into Carl White’s Octopus Marketing strategy and more tips on how to expand your marketing efforts, check out the full episode here: Carl’s Octopus Marketing Podcast.

Here’s to expanding our reach and securing more business!