The Money is in the Follow-up!

Loan officers, let’s dig into something that’s key to building your business: the post-meeting follow-up with realtors. Many of you think you need to have something new to offer every time you reach out. Sure, it’s great to provide valuable insights or helpful tools, but here’s the real deal—the main purpose of the follow-up isn’t always about offering something tangible. It’s about proving you’re consistent, reliable, and available. And just as importantly, it’s about reminding the realtor that you’re there to help them close deals.

Realtors need loan officers they can trust, not just once in a while but consistently. When you follow up regularly, you’re building trust by showing that you’ll be there when they need you. They’re juggling multiple deals, so knowing they have a dependable partner who’s just a call away is huge for them. That consistency alone can keep you top of mind when they need to refer a client for pre-approval.

But let’s not forget the other purpose of the call—you’re also in this for the business! While maintaining the relationship is key, the follow-up is your chance to remind the realtor that you’re there to help them close more deals. So, before you hang up, make sure to ask the all-important question: “Are you working with anyone this week that I can get preapproved for you so it’s a good use of your time?” This simple question shows that you’re not just there to chat—you’re there to help them move the needle.

And if the answer is “no,” don’t let that be the end of it. Respond with, “No problem! Can I count on you for the next one?” This keeps the door open for future business while reinforcing that you’re available whenever they need you.

Remember, the follow-up call serves a dual purpose: first, to show that you’re consistent, reliable, and ready to help; second, to make sure the realtor knows you’re actively looking for business. You’re here for the relationship, but you’re also here for the loans—so don’t hesitate to ask for the business.

In the end, the money really is in the follow-up. Stay in touch, stay consistent, and never miss an opportunity to ask for the business. These conversations don’t need to be lengthy or packed with new information every time. A simple check-in and a business ask can be all it takes to keep that relationship strong and build your loan pipeline.