Turn Your ?’s into !’s

We’ve all been there – standing at the crossroads of doubt and action. You’ve heard about the Daily Success Plan. You’ve seen others succeeding with it. Yet, even with all the success stories, a little voice inside your head keeps whispering: Is it really working? Are they really doing the plan, or is there something else they’re not telling me? These doubts creep in and cause us to question the effectiveness of the plan. And when we start questioning, it can lead to hesitation, second-guessing, and ultimately, a loss of momentum.

That’s the kind of thing that causes many loan officers to stumble.

If this sounds familiar, today’s message is for you. It’s time to stop asking whether the plan works – and start asking better questions. Instead of wondering if the plan will lead to results, let’s focus on how we can work the plan more effectively.

Here’s the truth: The plan does work. We’ve seen it time and again on Loan Officer Breakfast Club. Day after day, loan officers share their wins, talk about how their calls are leading to deals, and how they’re getting more preapprovals and contracts signed. But if you’re still feeling uncertain, it’s likely because you haven’t yet fully embraced the process.

Doubts create roadblocks. They make us hesitate before picking up the phone, or second-guess whether we’re wasting our time. But when you shift your mindset and start asking how to work the plan better, you turn those roadblocks into stepping stones.

The only questions you should be asking yourself are:

  • How can I be more consistent in following the Daily Success Plan?
  • How can I shake off rejection and keep moving forward?
  • How can I streamline my process to make more calls, more efficiently?
  • How can I build day after day of high activity, stacking small wins until I reach my bigger goals?

By focusing on these kinds of questions, you’ll start making real progress. Calls will no longer feel like an uphill battle; instead, you’ll see momentum shift in your favor. Leads will start coming in without you having to chase them down. Preapprovals will start flowing. Contracts will get signed. And loans will get funded.

That’s when your doubts – those nagging ?’s – will transform into !’s. Instead of questioning the plan, you’ll become one of those voices we hear on LOBC saying, “Trust me, this works!”

You’ll stop doubting yourself and the process, and start experiencing the success you’ve been watching others achieve. The key is to let go of skepticism and embrace the work. Make the calls, follow up consistently, and take ownership of your results. You’ll not only see a change in your business, but you’ll also become one of those successful loan officers who inspires others.

So today, ask yourself the right questions. Then go out and do the work that will turn your ?’s into !’s!