Are You a Spectator or a Participant? 

I was inspired by an interview I started watching on YouTube. It was an interview between Dr. Jordan Peterson and Elon Musk. They were discussing AI and its purpose. The question came up if taking AI to the level of super intelligence, where AI is smarter than all humans put together, is dangerous. Elon responded by saying, it’s happening no matter what, so he could be a spectator or a participant. 

This got me thinking about our mortgage business. At Loan Officer Breakfast Club, we go over a lot of information, and we showcase many case studies in the testimonies that we see and hear from those who fully participate in being part of Mortgage Marketing Animals, including Call Stars and the other resources available to them. Yet, there are still many spectators—those who perhaps don’t have the belief that it’s real, or who don’t believe they have the disposition to actually participate in the Daily Success Plan.

Here’s why you shouldn’t hold back and why you should make the decision today to participate rather than spectate: 

  1. Proven Success: We’ve seen countless examples of loan officers who have transformed their businesses by following the Daily Success Plan. These are not just isolated cases; these are consistent, repeatable successes that come from a structured approach. 
  1. Supportive Community: By becoming an active participant, you join a community of like-minded professionals who are committed to helping each other succeed. This support system can provide you with the motivation and accountability you need to stay on track. 
  1. Access to Resources: As a participant, you gain access to a wealth of resources designed to enhance your skills and knowledge. From scripts to marketing strategies, everything you need is at your fingertips. 
  1. Increased Confidence: The more you engage with the plan, the more confident you will become in your abilities. Confidence leads to action, and action leads to results. 
  1. Personal Growth: Beyond the professional benefits, participating actively can lead to significant personal growth. You’ll develop discipline, improve your time management, and build resilience—all skills that are valuable in every aspect of life. 
  1. No More Missed Opportunities: By hesitating or holding back, you risk missing out on opportunities that could significantly impact your career. When you take action, you put yourself in a position to seize these opportunities. 

To truly make the most of these benefits, I strongly encourage you to sign up for one of our Small Group Boot Camps. This is where you get direct, hands-on coaching from Steve Kyles and Carl White. You’ll learn the Math, the Skills, and the Discipline required to fully deploy the Daily Success Plan. These boot camps are transformative, providing you with the tools and confidence to elevate your business to the next level.

Make today the day you transition from a spectator to a participant. Join us at Loan Officer Success and transform your business. 

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be part of something great. Become a participant and watch how your business—and your life—can change for the better.