Be the Other Guy or Gal

Today, I want to share a story and a powerful lesson that can help us all boost our business. Let’s title it: “Be the Other Guy or Gal.”

Recently, I was following up on some open house leads and started a conversation with one of them. Initially, the lead mentioned they were already working with another lender. Instead of stepping back, I responded, “That’s great. I’ve been in the business a really long time. If you’d like a second opinion or a rate comparison, let me know.” This simple, non-confrontational approach opened the door to a meaningful conversation.

To my surprise, the lead replied positively, saying a second opinion would be good. We started texting back and forth, and it turns out they are first-time homebuyers. The other lender never offered them a first-time homebuyer class, something I have ready to go. They registered for my class, and we’ve since discussed numbers. Now, I’m in a strong position to win this borrower over.

Here’s the takeaway: sometimes, just being the other guy or gal who makes the effort to reach out and offer value can turn the tables in your favor. Over my career, I’ve seen deals slip away because I didn’t maintain communication, only to find out they went with another lender who did.

For our Loan Officer Breakfast Club attendees, this is a crucial reminder. Always be the one who follows up, who offers value, and who stays in touch. Consistent communication is key. That small effort of offering a rate comparison or a second opinion can make all the difference.

It’s unfortunate for the other loan officer that I’m likely to win this deal, but it’s a win for me because I was proactive. Don’t let deals slip away because you assume your initial contact was enough. Be the other guy or gal who gets the deal done.

Remember, sometimes all it takes is a simple, “Would you like a second opinion?” to start a conversation that leads to a new client.

Let’s go out there and be the proactive professionals that get the deals done!

P.S. For those looking to dive deeper into effective communication strategies, visit and join our live coaching calls at Let’s make it a great day!