Believe It 

I want to share a story today that many of you might find familiar. It’s about call reluctance, a common hurdle for many in our field. Like many of you, I faced this challenge head-on in the beginning. Picking up the phone, dealing with potential rejection, and the fear of the unknown was daunting. But through the Mortgage Marketing Animals’ Daily Success Plan and the invaluable teachings of Steve Kyles, I overcame it. This journey transformed not only my approach to business but also my belief in what I could achieve. 

Steve Kyles teaches the four pillars of success: math, skills, discipline, and belief. Each pillar is crucial, and together, they form a solid foundation for overcoming call reluctance and achieving success. 

Math: The Foundation of Success Understanding the math behind your goals is the first step. Knowing your numbers takes away the stress of the unknown. For me, this revelation was a game-changer. Once I grasped the math, I knew exactly what I needed to do to hit my targets. It wasn’t just about hoping for success; it was about planning for it. 

Skills: Mastery Through Practice The second pillar, skills, came with practice. Initially, making calls was a challenge. But as I consistently followed the Daily Success Plan, my skills improved. Each call became easier, my confidence grew, and the conversations flowed naturally. With each call, I wasn’t just practicing; I was refining my technique and becoming more proficient. 

Discipline: Consistency is Key Discipline is what ties it all together. Without discipline, the best plans and skills are wasted. The Daily Success Plan provided a structure that I adhered to religiously. This structure was bolstered by Call Stars, a program that allowed me to make calls alongside other motivated professionals. This environment of accountability and support was crucial in maintaining discipline. 

Belief: The Ultimate Catalyst Finally, belief. The culmination of understanding the math, honing my skills, and exercising discipline led to an unwavering belief in my success. This belief isn’t just about hoping things will work out; it’s a confident expectation that they will. When you know the numbers, possess the skills, and have the discipline, belief naturally follows. 

My Journey to Success Today, I’m far beyond the call reluctance that once held me back. Making calls is no longer a chore; it’s something I enjoy. My goal is simple: to get one referred lead a day. Currently, I’m surpassing that goal. Just yesterday, I received three referred leads. This isn’t a fluke; it’s the result of following the plan and trusting the process. 

The transformation I’ve experienced is something I wish for all of you. The success I’m enjoying now is within reach for anyone willing to embrace the four pillars. The key takeaway here is to believe in the process and do the work. Don’t let call reluctance rob you of your potential. 

Encouragement for You For those of you who are currently working to fill your pipeline and see results, keep going. Your efforts will pay off. And for those who haven’t started yet, there’s no better time than now. Take the first step, trust the process, and soon you’ll find yourself enjoying the sweet spillover of leads and successes. 

Conclusion Remember, the journey to success starts with a single step. Believe in the process, do the work, and watch your business transform. Believe it and do it. Your future self will thank you.