Enduring Trials for Success

Today’s Daily Spark is inspired by James 1:12 from the Recovery Version of the Bible, and although I typically avoid connecting business with biblical scripture, the structure of this verse uniquely mirrors the principles of the Daily Success Plan we follow at Mortgage Marketing Animals. 

James 1:12 (Recovery Version): 

  1. Blessed is the man who endures trial 
  2. because when he has become approved by testing 
  3. he will receive the crown of life 

Let’s break this down and compare it to our journey as loan officers: 

  1. Blessed is the man who endures trial: 
  • Interpretation: Fortunate is the loan officer who overcomes call reluctance. 
  • Explanation: Just like enduring trials, overcoming call reluctance is a significant challenge. It’s about pushing past the fear and discomfort of making calls, knowing that this is part of the process. 
  1. because when he has become approved by testing: 
  • Interpretation: Because when he pushes through the “no’s” and rejection. 
  • Explanation: Success comes after facing numerous rejections. Each “no” is a step closer to a “yes,” and by enduring this testing phase, you refine your skills and resilience. 
  1. he will receive the crown of life: 
  • Interpretation: He will receive the reward of success. 
  • Explanation: The persistent loan officer, who consistently follows the Daily Success Plan despite challenges, will ultimately enjoy the rewards of their efforts—more closings, stronger relationships, and greater financial success.

Reflecting on the True Meaning 

While the structure of this verse aligns well with our business principles, I encourage you to explore its true spiritual meaning. The “crown of life” in this context represents eternal life and blessings far beyond any monetary rewards we could achieve in our careers.

Action Step: 

Consider this comparison as motivation to follow the Daily Success Plan diligently. The trials you face, whether it’s call reluctance or handling rejections, are shaping you for success. And remember, our ultimate goal should always include seeking deeper understanding and fulfillment beyond business achievements. 

For those wanting to master the skills needed to endure and succeed, I highly recommend joining one of our Small Group Boot Camps. You’ll get direct, hands-on coaching from Steve Kyles and Carl White, learning the Math, Skills, and Discipline necessary to excel. Sign up at loanofficersuccess.com.

Let’s embrace the trials and push through to achieve the success we’re capable of. You’re not just chasing deals; you’re building a rewarding career. Keep pushing forward—your success is on the horizon!