Focus on the Filling not the Spilling 

Every day, we work a plan. We trust in the process of the plan. We make a lot of calls and have many meetings. If we stay consistent with it day after day, week after week, and month after month, it seems that almost suddenly, results start to flow. I liken this to slowly filling a glass with water. The filling represents the daily execution of our plan. If we continue this practice, eventually the water will start to spill over. This spillover symbolizes the leads which, in turn, result in closings. 

The remarkable thing about this process is how sudden the spillover can seem. One day, you’re diligently working the process, and then all at once, you have leads pouring in from multiple partners. It feels as if the spillover happens suddenly, just like when a glass of water starts to overflow—it seems almost all at once. 

If we stop filling the glass as soon as we get some spillover, our results will stop as well. We have to keep filling, continuing with the process. By doing so, we ensure a continuous spillover of business. The key here is to stay focused on the filling, not the spilling! 

I see very successful originators on Call Stars every day. They are enjoying this spillover, and they continue to show up to keep it spilling. If you’re an LO who’s recently bought into the process but has yet to experience the spillover, just keep going. You are guaranteed to reach that point. And when you do, don’t stop. 

Here’s some more encouragement for those of you who are diligently working to fill your glass: 

  1. Stay Consistent: Consistency is key. Every call you make and every meeting you attend adds a drop of water to your glass. It may not seem like much at first, but over time, these small actions accumulate and create a powerful flow. 
  1. Trust the Process: It’s natural to feel doubt or frustration when results aren’t immediate. Remember, the process works. The Mortgage Marketing Animals’ Daily Success Plan is designed to produce results if followed consistently. Trust in the plan and keep executing. 
  1. Celebrate Small Wins: Every positive interaction, every new lead, and every small success is a step towards your larger goal. Celebrate these milestones to keep your motivation high and your energy focused. 

For those of you who haven’t started filling your glass yet, here’s why you should: 

  1. Proven Results: The Daily Success Plan has helped countless loan officers achieve their goals. It’s a proven system that works, and by starting today, you’re taking the first step towards a successful future. 
  1. Support System: By joining the Mortgage Marketing Animals, you’re not alone. You’ll have access to a community of like-minded professionals who are on the same journey. Their success stories can inspire and motivate you to stay on track. 
  1. Tailored Guidance: Our plan isn’t a one-size-fits-all. It’s adaptable to your unique situation, helping you achieve your specific goals. Whether you’re aiming to increase your leads, improve your conversion rates, or build stronger relationships with referral partners, our plan can guide you. 
  1. Invaluable Resources: From scripts to follow-up techniques, we provide the tools you need to succeed. These resources have been tested and refined to ensure they’re effective in today’s market. 

If you’re an LO and you have no idea what I’m talking about, continue to come back to the LOBC live calls and immediately go to to schedule a call with the main office. The spillover is yours to have; you just need to know how to fill the glass. 

Let’s make today the day we recommit to the process, knowing that the spillover is not just possible—it’s inevitable. 

Keep filling that glass, and enjoy the rewards that come with it.