Genuine Care for Others

As I reflect on my time with Mortgage Marketing Animals, working alongside Carl White and Steve Kyles for the past three years, I feel a deep sense of gratitude and a compelling urge to share something truly special about these leaders. You see, within the mortgage coaching industry, it’s rare to encounter individuals who operate from a place of sincere, intimate concern for their members. But that’s exactly what Carl and Steve embody—genuine care for others. 

From the moment I joined this team, it was clear that their motivation went beyond just building a successful business. Carl and Steve are deeply invested in helping others achieve success, not just in business, but in every facet of life—spiritual, personal, and family life included. Their drive isn’t fueled by personal gain but by a heartfelt desire to see others thrive. It’s about more than just numbers and loans; it’s about building a life that is fulfilling and meaningful. 

What’s remarkable about Carl is that he could walk away from Mortgage Marketing Animals and Loan Officer Breakfast Club today, and he’d still live an extraordinary life. But he doesn’t. Why? Because he finds true fulfillment in helping others succeed. This isn’t just a job for him; it’s a calling. And that passion and mindset have permeated the entire organization. 

Every day on Call Stars, I witness this genuine concern for others in action. Loan officers from all over come together not just to make calls but to support each other, offering advice, sharing successes, and even forming small groups to provide even more focused support. It’s a community built on care, where the success of one becomes the success of all. 

I was recently invited to join one of these small groups by a couple of Loan Officer Breakfast Club members, and I’m genuinely excited about it. The idea of being part of a group where everyone is committed to helping each other grow, both professionally and personally, is incredibly motivating. I’m looking forward to not only receiving help but also contributing in any way I can to support others. 

At its core, Mortgage Marketing Animals exists because Carl White has a heart for people. He cares about you, your family, and your success. And he’s designed his organization in such a way that this care and concern spill over to its members, who in turn, care deeply for others. It’s a powerful cycle of support and encouragement that makes a tangible difference in the lives of everyone involved. 

If you’re reading this and you’re not experiencing this kind of genuine support and community in your current environment, I encourage you to join us. The sense of belonging and the level of care you’ll receive is unmatched, and it could very well be the missing piece in your journey to success. Come join us—you deserve to be in a place where you’re truly cared for and supported, where your success is a shared goal, and where you can grow not just as a professional, but as a whole person.