Get Out of the Way 

Today, I want to share a personal experience that has been a significant eye-opener for me. I’ve recently joined Steve Kyles’ mortgage team, the same powerhouse team that includes Sarah Cox and Nate Carver. Not only am I helping to run the team, but I’m also diving into personal production. I believe that actively participating in the process will make me more effective in growing our team. 

Our team has an exceptional back-end closing team, and when I say exceptional, I mean off-the-charts amazing. The system is designed so that once you submit a file, they take it all the way to the finish line. This is something I’ve never experienced in my 37 years in the mortgage business. Steve has meticulously built this team around his processes and, of course, the Daily Success Plan. 

Just yesterday, I closed my first deal on the team, and I’m closing another today. What I’ve learned from these first two deals is crucial: I need to stay out of the way. Initially, I found myself constantly checking in, worrying about the little details. Every time I checked in, I discovered that whatever I was concerned about was either already done or in the works. The realization hit me hard—I just needed to trust the team. 

Here’s the thing: when I poke my nose into the process, I end up taking time away from them. I’m making them deal with my inquiries when they could be helping others and pushing more files towards closing. My presence, albeit well-intentioned, was actually counterproductive. I needed to stay out of the way and focus on what I do best—bringing in more business. 

Granted, these were my first two deals with the team, so they were incredibly gracious. But now I know that I need to trust them to do their jobs. If your company has gone out of the way to set up an amazing support team to help you close more deals with less stress, LET THEM DO IT. Trust the team. Get out of the way. 

I can’t stress enough the importance of leveraging your team’s expertise. The time you spend second-guessing them is time taken away from generating new leads and growing your business. Trusting your team frees you up to do what you’re truly great at—closing more deals.