Imitate the Imitators

When we think of successful people, we often imagine trailblazers—visionaries creating entirely new paths and disrupting the status quo. But the truth is, even the most successful people are often imitating others in one way or another. While they may add their personal twist, they typically follow the blueprint laid down by those who’ve come before them. It’s not about reinventing the wheel every time, but about learning from the best and adapting those lessons to our own journey. The same is true in the mortgage business.

There’s a famous quote by Pablo Picasso: “Good artists copy, great artists steal.” Now, before you get the wrong idea, Picasso wasn’t advocating plagiarism; he was pointing out that the most successful people don’t shy away from taking what works and making it their own. They recognize greatness and pull from it. This is why being part of a community like Loan Officer Breakfast Club (LOBC) and Mortgage Marketing Animals is such a game-changer. You’re constantly surrounded by people who are doing great things, and, more importantly, who are willing to share the strategies that made them successful.

Consider this: Steve Jobs, one of the greatest innovators of our time, openly admitted to borrowing ideas from others. He once said, “I have been shameless about stealing great ideas.” Jobs studied and imitated what worked in the industry, adding his own spin to make Apple one of the most iconic companies in history. The key is knowing who to imitate and how to do it in a way that suits your goals.

At LOBC, we’re in the business of making you better by surrounding you with winners—people whose success you can model. This isn’t about copying every single move they make. It’s about adopting the systems, routines, and habits that have proven to work, and then personalizing them to fit your unique approach. The power of community is that we learn from each other, and in this business, there’s no faster way to grow than by following the lead of those already crushing it.

When you imitate successful people, you’re tapping into a shortcut to growth. It’s not a crutch; it’s a strategy. You save yourself time and energy by avoiding common pitfalls and benefiting from the trial and error that others have already endured. The LOBC environment is rich with strategies that work. Every morning, we’re surrounded by professionals who are making deals, expanding their networks, and building businesses. Why wouldn’t you imitate what they’re doing?

It’s tempting to think we have to be 100% original to succeed, but the truth is, originality often comes from adapting and improving what’s already working. By learning from others and imitating their successes, you give yourself the best chance at creating your own version of success. That’s why membership in Mortgage Marketing Animals pays off—it provides a direct connection to proven methods that get results. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel to build a successful business, you just need to know whose wheel to imitate.

So today, take a moment to reflect: who are you imitating? And more importantly, are they worth imitating? If you’re part of this group, the answer is a resounding yes. Let’s get to work.

Quote of the Day: “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” — Isaac Newton

Imitate the imitators, and you’ll become the one worth imitating.