It’s Not Worth It

With the election just around the corner, we’re all bound to feel the tension in the air. Political conversations are becoming more frequent and intense, and as mortgage loan originators, we find ourselves in the unique position of being in constant communication with clients, colleagues, and business partners. These conversations can sometimes drift into the political arena, and it’s easy to get caught up in the heat of the moment, sharing our own views and opinions.

However, I believe that as professionals, we need to be extremely careful about how and when we express our political beliefs. The relationships we’ve built with our clients and peers are based on trust, respect, and understanding. When we venture into political discussions, especially in a public or professional setting, we run the risk of alienating people who may see things differently. And let’s face it—politics can be incredibly polarizing.

It’s important to remember that there are smart, educated, and well-meaning people on both sides of any political debate. These individuals have reached their conclusions based on their own experiences, values, and beliefs. Just because someone disagrees with us doesn’t mean they’re uninformed or unreasonable. By respecting the diversity of thought that exists in our society, we show our clients and colleagues that we value them for who they are, not just for how closely their views align with ours.

Sharing our political opinions openly, especially in a business context, can create unnecessary divisions. In some cases, it might even cost us a client or damage a professional relationship. Is that really worth it? Our primary focus should always be on providing the best possible service to our clients and fostering positive relationships with our colleagues. When political discussions take center stage, it can distract from our main goal: helping people achieve their dreams of homeownership and financial security.

Now, I’m not saying we shouldn’t have political opinions or that we should never discuss them. Everyone has the right to their beliefs, and it’s natural to want to express them. However, I strongly encourage everyone to consider the potential impact of those conversations, especially in the workplace. It might be better to reserve these discussions for private settings where we can speak freely without the risk of unintended consequences.

I fully understand that not everyone will agree with this approach, and that’s okay. We’re all entitled to our own viewpoints, and I respect that. But I hope that by taking a step back and thinking about the bigger picture, we can all agree that maintaining strong, positive relationships with our clients and colleagues should be our top priority. Let’s focus on what unites us rather than what divides us, and continue to build the trust and respect that are the foundations of our business.

In these times, it’s more important than ever to be thoughtful, considerate, and professional in all our interactions. Let’s keep the political discussions to private conversations and stay focused on what really matters—serving our clients and supporting each other as we navigate the challenges of our industry. After all, when it comes to our business, it’s just not worth risking everything over politics.