It’s Okay to Believe 

In the mortgage and real estate industry, belief plays a pivotal role in shaping our success. Both Carl White and Steve Kyles have often emphasized that overcoming self-imposed roadblocks—like call reluctance—begins with a simple yet profound act: believing that the plan will work. 

Belief is the fourth pillar of success that Steve Kyles discusses, alongside Math, Skills, and Discipline. What’s fascinating is how belief, while technically the last pillar, also needs to come first. It’s the starting point, the gateway that opens the door to everything else. 

If we can muster even a small belief in ourselves and in the plan, something incredible starts to happen. We begin to think that maybe—just maybe—what we want to accomplish is possible. Even if we’re not yet where we want to be, having that initial belief allows us to take the first steps forward. 

Once we embrace that belief, we can start to figure out the math. This isn’t complex; it’s simply understanding the numbers behind our goals. How many calls do we need to make? How many leads do we need to generate? It’s about getting clear on what needs to be done. 

Then, we focus on learning the skills. Whether it’s perfecting our scripts, mastering follow-ups, or honing our negotiation tactics, acquiring these skills is essential. The good news is that these skills are learnable. They’re not out of reach for anyone willing to put in the effort. 

Next comes discipline. This is where many people struggle, but it’s where belief really begins to solidify. Discipline is about showing up every day, doing the work even when it’s hard, and staying committed to the process. It’s not always easy, but when backed by belief, discipline becomes more natural. 

And here’s the beautiful part: as you begin to see results—whether it’s a successful call, a new lead, or a closed deal—your belief grows stronger. You start to see that what you once hoped for is actually happening. The results reinforce your belief, which in turn fuels your discipline, sharpens your skills, and keeps you focused on the math. 

Belief starts out as a small, tentative seed, but with the right nurturing, it grows into a powerful force that drives everything else. It’s okay to believe. In fact, it’s necessary. 

Belief is not just about optimism; it’s about giving yourself permission to succeed. It’s about allowing yourself to envision a future where you achieve your goals. So, take a moment today to remind yourself: it’s okay to believe. It’s okay to believe in the plan, in the process, and most importantly, in yourself.