Learn to Aim High

“The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.” – Michelangelo

Let’s talk about goals—more specifically, the ones we set for ourselves. Too often, we aim low because it feels safe. Hitting smaller goals gives us that instant boost of achievement, but there’s a hidden danger in that. Michelangelo’s quote reminds us that aiming too low means we risk settling for less than our true potential. We reach the goal, but we miss out on something bigger.

What if we flipped the script and aimed higher? Set goals that stretch us, challenge us, and even make us a little uncomfortable. So many loan officers set “realistic” targets because it feels less risky. But here’s the truth: when you only reach for what you know you can achieve, you limit your growth. You’re leaving untapped potential on the table, and in this business, that’s a huge missed opportunity.

You are worthy of aiming higher. It’s not just about picking a number that feels good; it’s about understanding that you’re capable of achieving it. The Daily Success Plan gives you the roadmap. Whether it’s reaching out to more referral partners, following up with past clients, or building stronger connections, the DSP is designed to help you reach any goal—as long as you’re willing to put in the work.

It’s okay to set a big goal, break it down, and map out exactly what needs to happen to get there. In fact, it’s necessary if you want to grow. If you’re aiming for five loans a month, why not aim for ten? If you’re closing 20 loans a month, why not shoot for 30? The bigger goals will force you to step outside of your comfort zone and take massive action.

The biggest danger isn’t failing; it’s setting the bar too low and thinking that’s all you’re capable of. Today, give yourself permission to aim high. Set a goal that excites you and scares you a little. Then, lean into the Daily Success Plan, follow the process, and watch what happens when you challenge your limits.

The truth is, you’re capable of so much more. Don’t settle. Aim high, and let’s crush those bigger goals together!

Let’s make it happen today!