Making Voice Bank Deposits

Let’s talk about something that every loan officer encounters: the voicemail black hole. You’re reaching out to real estate agents, trying to build relationships, and week after week, your calls end up in voicemail. It can feel frustrating, almost like you’re talking to yourself, and you might start wondering if these agents just don’t want to talk to you or if you’re bothering them. But instead of getting discouraged, let’s reframe the situation.

Think of every voicemail you leave as a deposit into what I like to call the “voice-bank.” Just like a savings account, these deposits might seem small on their own, but over time, they add up to something valuable. Each voicemail you leave is an investment in your marketing equity and credibility.

When you make these deposits consistently, you’re doing more than just leaving a message. You’re demonstrating your commitment, reliability, and professionalism. Real estate agents are salespeople just like you, and they understand the game. They know that building a relationship takes time and that consistent follow-up is part of the process. Even if they’re not ready to pick up the phone right now, they’re noticing your efforts. Over time, this persistence builds respect. They see that you’re serious about connecting and that you’re willing to put in the work.

But here’s the thing: not every voicemail is going to lead to a conversation. And that’s okay. Just like in sales, not every lead turns into a deal. However, when you do finally connect with an agent, they’re more likely to remember you. Your consistency will stand out, and you’ll be seen as someone who’s persistent but professional, someone who’s serious about building a partnership.

So, how can you make these voice-bank deposits even more effective? First, approach each voicemail with a positive attitude. Instead of seeing it as a missed opportunity, view it as a chance to reinforce your presence. Keep your message clear, concise, and professional. There’s no need to overcomplicate things—sometimes, a simple “Just checking in to see how things are going and if there’s anything I can do to support you” is all it takes.

If you’re feeling a bit creative, don’t hesitate to add a touch of personality to your messages. A light-hearted comment, a quick dad joke, or something to make them smile can set you apart from the crowd. However, if that’s not your style, don’t worry. The key is to be authentic and consistent. Agents will appreciate your follow-ups regardless of whether they’re straightforward or a bit more playful.

The important thing is to keep making those deposits. Over time, they will build up into something substantial. You might not see immediate results, but don’t let that discourage you. Each voicemail is another step toward building a strong, lasting relationship with the agents you’re reaching out to.

So next time you hear that voicemail beep, don’t see it as a roadblock. Instead, think of it as an opportunity to invest in your future success. Keep making those voice-bank deposits, and you’ll find that, in the long run, they will pay off. Stay persistent, stay professional, and remember that every little bit counts.