
Today, I want to share a story that put things into stark perspective for me. I was talking to a Realtor referral I got yesterday, a firefighter who had just come off a grueling shift. He shared how he almost passed out from exhaustion and genuinely thought he might die due to the intensity of the situation. There are many wildfires in California right now. Temperatures have been in the triple digits as well. He told me how he and his team had to fight a fire on a hillside that was difficult to reach. They had to climb that hill and fight that fire in triple digit weather wearing their hot, heavy gear. He said it was unbearable. Listening to him, I couldn’t help but notice the contrast to my own setting—I was comfortably seated in my air-conditioned home, enjoying a snack and a Diet Coke. 

This conversation reminded me of something Carl always emphasizes: we often get caught up in our call reluctance and forget just how easy our tasks are compared to others. Making phone calls to prospective clients and realtors is, in reality, quite a simple and stress-free activity, especially when we consider the life-and-death situations that professionals like firefighters face every day. 

Putting Things in Perspective 

  • Easy Tasks: Our work primarily involves making calls, sending emails, and having conversations. When you feel reluctant or stressed about making those calls, remember the firefighter’s story. Compared to risking one’s life, our tasks are simple and manageable. 
  • No Big Deal: Call reluctance can feel like a big hurdle, but with the right perspective, it becomes clear that it’s not insurmountable. Think about the ease of our environment and the tasks at hand. 
  • Carl’s Perspective: Carl often talks about this stark realization. He reminds us that the challenge we face—picking up the phone and making calls—is minimal compared to the jobs that others perform under much more demanding conditions. 

Overcoming Call Reluctance 

  1. Perspective Shift: When you’re feeling call reluctance, take a moment to remind yourself of the firefighter’s story. Understand that making a call is significantly easier and safer. 
  1. Support: If you’re struggling with call reluctance, remember there’s help available. Visit the link below for guidance and support. 
  1. Daily Success Plan: Stick to the Daily Success Plan. It’s designed to keep you on track and ensure consistent results. 

In conclusion, our work is straightforward compared to many other professions. Let’s take a moment to appreciate the ease of our tasks and use that perspective to push through any reluctance. Stay focused, stay motivated, and if you need help, don’t hesitate to reach out for support. Remember, you’ve got this!