Pressure is a Privilege

When I was at our Mortgage Marketing Animals Boot Camp last week, I had a conversation with a gentleman named Steven Cooper. Steven, who has 15 deals in the pipeline with 7 closing this month, shared an insightful lesson from his basketball days. His coach used to say, “Pressure is a privilege.” This concept resonated deeply with me and can be effectively applied to the mortgage industry.

The Essence of Pressure

What Steven’s coach meant was that not everyone gets the privilege to be in a position where they can directly experience and influence great success. In basketball, there is the pressure to perform well, the pressure from the opposing team, and the pressure to win. These pressures are not burdens, but privileges. They signify that you are in a position where your actions and decisions have significant impact.

Applying This to the Mortgage Industry

Similarly, in the mortgage industry, we face various pressures:

• Pressure to Originate: The constant need to find new clients and opportunities.
• Pressure to Perform: Ensuring that every client receives the best possible service and outcomes.
• Pressure to Overcome Objections: Navigating challenges and objections to ensure smooth closings.
• Pressure to Close Deals: Managing all the moving parts to successfully close deals on time.

These pressures can seem overwhelming, but they are actually indicators of the opportunities we have to succeed. Being in the mortgage industry offers immense rewards — financial freedom, professional growth, and the satisfaction of helping people achieve their homeownership dreams.

Embracing the Privilege

Recognizing pressure as a privilege shifts our perspective. Instead of feeling burdened, we can feel empowered. Each pressure-filled day is a testament to our ability to make a difference and achieve success.

• Revenue: High performance in the mortgage industry leads to substantial financial rewards.
• Freedom: Successful originators often enjoy a level of professional and personal freedom that many other careers don’t offer.
• Impact: We play a critical role in helping individuals and families achieve their dreams of homeownership.


So, as we face the pressures of our work, let’s remember how privileged we are. These pressures are not obstacles, but opportunities. They are the markers of our potential to achieve great things. Let’s embrace them, rise to the challenge, and enjoy the immense rewards that come with being in this dynamic and impactful industry.

Let’s attack each day with the mindset that “Pressure is a Privilege.”