Quality Work vs. Quantity Work

As mortgage rates begin to improve and market share increases for those who have weathered the storm, many loan officers find themselves feeling overwhelmed. It’s a strange paradox—when things should be getting better, the stress seems to multiply. Why is that? The answer often lies in the type of work we’re doing: quantity work versus quality work

In the hustle to keep up with the demands of a changing market, it’s easy to fall into the trap of doing more and more non-sales activities. These tasks, while necessary, often don’t directly contribute to income generation. This is the essence of quantity work—it’s about volume, ticking off tasks, and keeping the ball rolling. But here’s the problem: quantity work can quickly fill up your day, leaving little time for what truly matters. 

Quality work, on the other hand, is all about focusing on income-producing activities. It’s the work that moves the needle, brings in new business, and directly impacts your bottom line. When you’re stuck in a cycle of quantity work, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed because you’re busy, but not necessarily productive. 

Steve Kyles and Carl White recently tackled this issue on their podcast titled “Feeling Overwhelmed? Take Control and Focus on What Matters Most.” They highlight that much of the overwhelm loan officers feel comes from being pulled back into loan files that should be in the hands of the processing team. These files are already in contract and should be smoothly moving toward closing, but instead, they keep pulling the loan officer back into the weeds. 

This happens because of inadequate support on the back end. When you hand off a file to the processing team, it should be just that—a handoff. The loan officer’s role should be done unless there’s a major issue like a qualifying problem or a need for restructuring due to something like a low appraisal. Everything else should be managed by the closing team, taking the file all the way to the closing table, and ensuring an on-time closing. 

To alleviate this stress, Steve Kyles outlines five critical benchmarks that should be hit every time on every file. These benchmarks ensure that the process moves smoothly without dragging the loan officer back into the file unnecessarily. While I won’t go into detail here, I highly recommend you listen to the podcast to learn about these benchmarks and more. 

So, here’s your action item for today: Evaluate your current situation. Are you feeling overwhelmed because you’re buried in quantity work? Is your team structured in a way that you keep getting pulled back into files that should be out of your hands? If so, it’s time to make some changes. Reorganize your tasks, delegate effectively, and focus your energy on quality work—the work that truly drives your business forward. 

Take control of your workload, focus on what matters most, and listen to Steve and Carl’s podcast for some great insights on how to manage your time and energy better. 

Remember, being busy isn’t the same as being productive. Shift your focus from quantity to quality, and you’ll not only see better results, but you’ll also feel more in control and less overwhelmed.

Here’s the link to the podcast for your reference: Feeling Overwhelmed? Take Control and Focus on What Matters Most. Make today the day you start working smarter, not harder.