Stick with What Sticks

On August 2nd, we witnessed the best mortgage rates we’ve seen in a long time. It didn’t take long for those rates to drop off, but now they’ve crept back up to being just a bit better than they were on that day. As expected, loan officers quickly took to social media, eager to capitalize on the surge in refinance opportunities. It’s understandable—refinances can bring in quick business. But while it’s smart to seize those opportunities, it’s just as important, if not more so, to stay focused on the bigger picture.

The purchase market is where long-term, sustainable success is built. It’s where your efforts with Realtor partners pay off and where your business remains steady, regardless of fluctuations in rates. The relationships you’ve developed with these partners are invaluable, and now is not the time to let them slip.

Sure, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of refinance business. A quick influx of applications can be tempting, especially when rates are favorable. But don’t forget the foundation you’ve laid with your Realtor partners. Those relationships have taken time, effort, and dedication to build, and they are crucial for maintaining a thriving, stable business over the long haul.

This is where discipline and a solid strategy come into play. Your Daily Success Plan is designed to help you balance these opportunities without losing sight of your primary goals. It ensures that you’re not only capturing refinance business but also continuing to generate purchase leads and nurture those key Realtor relationships.

Every day, make it a priority to connect with your Realtor partners. Keep those lines of communication open, stay engaged, and continue providing the value they’ve come to expect from you. When refinance opportunities arise, you’ll be in a strong position to handle them, but without compromising the purchase business that is the backbone of your success.

Remember, the rates might fluctuate, but the need for strong Realtor partnerships remains constant. Stick with what sticks—keep your focus on the purchase business, maintain your discipline, and continue to execute your Daily Success Plan. By doing so, you’ll ensure that you’re not just riding the wave of current rates but also building a business that will thrive in any market condition.

Let’s stay the course and make today another successful one!