The Axe of Freedom

As mortgage originators, our days are often filled with a wide array of tasks, some of which we love, some we tolerate, and others we wish we could avoid altogether. But what if we could use the “Axe of Freedom” to cut away the noise and focus on just one thing? Not three, but one single activity that we love, that we’re exceptionally good at, and that drives the most revenue for our business. This week, let’s focus on identifying that one thing and making it our primary focus.

It’s easy to pinpoint what we don’t like doing—whether it’s chasing down paperwork, dealing with minor customer service issues, or handling tedious administrative tasks. However, the real challenge is figuring out the one activity that checks all three crucial boxes: something you love to do, something you’re great at, and something that directly contributes to your income.

What Is the One Thing?

The goal isn’t to identify three separate activities but to discover the one thing that unites these three elements:

  1. You Love It: What part of your job lights you up? Is it the thrill of closing a deal, the satisfaction of solving a complex problem, or the joy of connecting with clients? Think about what makes you look forward to your workday.
  2. You’re Really Good at It: What’s that one thing you do better than anyone else? Maybe it’s your ability to build strong relationships, your knack for negotiating, or your skill in creating innovative loan solutions. This is where your natural talent and expertise shine.
  3. It Drives Revenue: What’s the activity that has the most significant impact on your bottom line? It’s crucial to identify the task that not only brings you joy and plays to your strengths but also drives the most revenue. This is your key money-making activity.

When you find that one thing that fits all three criteria, you’ve found your sweet spot—the place where your passion, skill, and financial success intersect. This is where you should focus your time and energy.

Cut Away the Rest

Once you’ve identified this core activity, it’s time to use the “Axe of Freedom” to cut away everything else that doesn’t align. Tasks that don’t fit into this box should either be delegated, outsourced, or eliminated. This isn’t about being busy; it’s about being effective. The more time you spend on the one thing that you love, that you’re great at, and that drives revenue, the more successful and fulfilled you’ll be.

This Week’s Challenge

Take a moment this week to reflect on your daily activities. What’s the one thing that meets all three criteria? Be honest with yourself. Once you’ve identified it, make a commitment to focus on that activity and remove or delegate the rest. The freedom and clarity that come from this focused approach are transformative.

The “Axe of Freedom” is in your hands. Use it to carve out a business that not only thrives but also brings you joy and fulfillment. Focus on that one thing, and watch how everything else falls into place.