They’re Just Trying to Give You Money

When the phone starts to ring and your heart feels tight,
Remember, dear originator, they’re just trying to give you money.

A client’s upset, their voice filled with spite,
Stay calm and think, they’re just trying to give you money.

Emails are flooding, deadlines in sight,
Take a deep breath, they’re just trying to give you money.

Agents and partners calling day and night,
Tackle it head-on, they’re just trying to give you money.

Problems arise, but don’t lose your might,
Solve it with grace, they’re just trying to give you money.

Questions and doubts, making you feel unsteady,
Keep your focus clear, they’re just trying to give you money.

Challenges come, and your mind feels so heavy,
Push through the storm, they’re just trying to give you money.