What About Tomorrow?

Today on the Loan Officer Breakfast Club (LOBC) live Zoom call, we’re providing an incredibly useful resource: a list of 184 things real estate agents do. This couldn’t be more timely with the new NAR (National Association of Realtors) rules set to roll out in just three days. These rules, part of a recent settlement, require that homebuyers must have a signed buyer agent agreement before they can tour homes. This change means buyer agents are now under pressure to clearly communicate their value to potential clients and get them to sign on the dotted line.

The list we’re giving away today could be a game-changer for realtors struggling to demonstrate their worth in this new environment. We’ll be sharing it live during the Zoom call, so all attendees can download it directly from the chat. It’s a powerful tool that could make a significant difference in how realtors approach their buyer presentations.

For loan officers, this list provides an easy conversation starter with your realtor partners. Many LOs often feel the need to have something to “give” before they feel comfortable picking up the phone. Today, you’ve got that something—a valuable resource that could help your partners in a big way. It’s a perfect ice-breaker, an easy call to make.

But what about tomorrow? What happens after you’ve shared the list and made that first call? This is where many loan officers struggle. The fear of rejection, the uncertainty of what to say next, and the pressure of maintaining relationships can lead to call reluctance. And if you’re only making calls when you have something to give, you’re missing out on consistent, ongoing opportunities.

Overcoming Call Reluctance: The Real Challenge

Call reluctance is a common hurdle for many loan officers. It’s that feeling of hesitation, the anxiety of making that next call, especially when there isn’t an obvious reason like today’s giveaway. But here’s the truth: The only way to build and sustain a successful mortgage business is through consistent, proactive outreach. You can’t wait for the perfect moment or the perfect gift to offer. You have to be willing to reach out, start conversations, and build relationships even when it feels uncomfortable.

That’s where the Mortgage Marketing Animals come in. We understand that call reluctance is more than just a passing feeling—it’s a significant barrier that can hold back your business. But it doesn’t have to. We’ve helped countless loan officers overcome this challenge by providing the tools, training, and support needed to build confidence and consistency in their outreach.

Today’s resource is an easy way to break the ice, but what happens next is even more important. We’re here to ensure you have the skills and mindset to keep making those calls, day after day, week after week. Whether it’s learning how to structure your conversations, mastering the art of follow-up, or simply getting into the habit of regular outreach, we can help you get there.

Make the Call, Then Keep Making Them

Take advantage of today’s easy call, but don’t let it be a one-time thing. Build on this momentum by joining us at Mortgage Marketing Animals. We’ll show you how to turn that initial contact into a lasting relationship. And if you find yourself hesitating or feeling unsure, remember—you’re not alone. We’re here to support you every step of the way.