It’s Urgent, Not Optional 

Happy Monday, team! As loan officers, it’s common to start the week by thinking about all the tasks and loose ends lingering from the previous week. However, focusing on these can distract us from what’s truly urgent today: our realtor prospecting calls. 

Prioritizing the Right Tasks 

Loose Ends vs. Prospecting:

  • Loose Ends: Tidying up last week’s unfinished business, following up on old emails, and organizing paperwork. 
  • Prospecting: Reaching out to your Focus 40 agents, making post-meeting calls, and setting up new appointments. 

While tidying up loose ends can feel productive, it’s the prospecting calls that will truly move the needle and generate new business. Here’s how to stay focused: 

  1. Block Two Hours Today and Use Call Stars: 
    ○ For the East Coast: 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Eastern 
    ○ For the West Coast: 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Pacific 
    ○ Dedicate these two hours exclusively to making prospecting calls. Avoid the temptation to check emails or handle other tasks until after this block of time. 
  1. Use Our Proven Scripts: 
    ○ Have a well-prepared script to guide your conversations and ensure you cover all the important points. These scripts are designed to help you connect effectively with agents, address their needs, and set up valuable meetings. 
  1. Track Your Progress: 
    ○ Keep a record of your calls, meetings set, and follow-ups needed. This will help you stay organized and focused on your goals. 

Why Prospecting Matters 

Generating New Business: 

  • The primary way to keep your pipeline full and thriving is by continuously prospecting. This means regularly reaching out to new agents, following up, and nurturing those relationships. 

Consistency is Key: 

  • Consistently making prospecting calls ensures a steady flow of new business opportunities. It’s this discipline that sets top producers apart from the rest. 

Moving the Needle: 

  • Administrative tasks, while necessary, don’t directly generate new business. It’s the conversations and meetings with qualified agents that drive growth and success. 


Prospecting is the lifeblood of our business. By prioritizing these calls, you are setting yourself up for long-term success. 

Make today about taking proactive steps to grow your business. The tasks from last week can wait; your future success depends on the actions you take today. 

If you’re looking for more structured guidance on how to master the art of prospecting and other essential skills, consider joining one of our Small Group Boot Camps. You’ll receive hands-on coaching directly from Steve Kyles and Carl White, focusing on the Math, Skills, and Discipline needed to succeed. Sign up at

Let’s make this Monday count! Attack the day with purpose and see the results unfold.