They’re Telling Everyone!

Happy Thursday, everyone! Today, we focus on calling our pre-approved clients who are actively looking for a home. Thursday is the perfect day to check in with them, and there are a few key reasons why we make these calls.

First, we want to keep our clients encouraged. Buying a home in today’s market can be stressful, and it often takes time to find the perfect property. By checking in with them every week, we remind them that the right home is out there and to keep looking. That encouragement can be the difference between a motivated buyer and one who gives up. As professionals, we need to stay positive for our clients and reassure them that they’re on the right path.

Second, we uplift our realtor partner. That relationship is critical! By staying in touch with the clients referred to us, we reinforce the trust our real estate agents have in us. We also ensure that the agent knows we’re working hard to keep things moving. That’s a win-win for everyone. A strong partnership means more referrals in the future.

Third, things can change quickly in the market. Interest rates could shift, or the client’s situation might change. When we call, we offer to run new numbers if needed, which can help reassure the client that they’re still in the best position financially. This shows we’re on top of things and proactive in ensuring they have the most accurate information.

But there’s another very important reason why we reach out to our pre-approved clients weekly—referrals. It’s easy to forget that when someone is in the process of buying a home, they’re telling everyone in their life about it! Friends, family, coworkers, people at church—you name it. And when they share their story, conversations start. And guess what? In those conversations, someone they know may also be looking to buy, sell, or refinance. That’s where we come in.

If we don’t remind our clients that we’re looking for referrals, they’re not going to automatically think about it. They don’t know how our business works unless we tell them. So, every time we call, we need to remind them, “Hey, if you come across any friends, family, or coworkers who might be looking to buy, sell, or refinance, can I count on you to connect me with them?” It’s that simple.

If we’re not doing this, we’re being wildly irresponsible as salespeople. We’re missing opportunities that are right in front of us. These clients are already in conversations about real estate, and if we’re top-of-mind, they can bring us into those conversations. If we’re not, we risk losing that connection.

So, let’s make sure we’re consistent with these Thursday calls. Keep the clients encouraged, uplift our realtor partners, offer to crunch new numbers, and—most importantly—ask for referrals. This is how we protect our business and make sure we’re maximizing every opportunity.

Let’s get to work!