Daily Spark Blogs

Gosh Darn It, People Like You

Good morning, everyone! Let’s kick things off today with a friendly reminder: Gosh darn it, people like you! And that’s exactly why today’s focus is on one of the easiest and most impactful calls you can make—your past client database calls.

These aren’t cold calls, and there’s no reason to feel nervous. Why? Because your past clients already know you, they already trust you, and they’ll be happy to hear from you. This is a simple, three-part call that will not only leave your clients feeling appreciated but can also open the door to new business.

Here’s how it goes:

Step one: Express gratitude. Start by thanking them for doing business with you in the past. It’s genuine, it’s kind, and it’s always well-received.

Step two: Check in. Ask how they’re doing. It’s not about business right off the bat—it’s about making that human connection. How’s their home? How’s life? Small talk that builds rapport and keeps the conversation light.

Step three: And here’s the magic. As you wrap up, say, “Before I let you go, if you come across any friends, family, or coworkers who might be looking to buy, sell, or refinance, can I count on you to connect me to them?” This is key. You’re not just asking for their business—you’re positioning yourself as a resource for the people they know.

This call is so powerful because while the client themselves might not need your services right now, they almost certainly know someone who does. Whether it’s a friend looking to buy their first home, a coworker needing a cash-out refinance, or a family member consolidating debt, your past clients can open doors for you that you might never have imagined.

And the best part? It’s an easy call to make. Gratitude, a little small talk, and a quick ask before you say goodbye. Gosh darn it, people like you, and they’ll be happy to help you out if you simply ask.

So go make those calls today. Trust me, you’re going to get a great response!

Why Wins?

Let’s take a moment to talk about something we do almost every day on the Loan Officer Breakfast Club—we ask participants to “share some wins.” There’s a powerful reason behind this, and it’s not just about celebrating successes. It’s about showing, day in and day out, that getting great results is possible, even in what many consider a “tough market.”

Why Wins?
Every day, loan officers from all over share their wins with the group. Why is this so important? Because when you hear from others who are in the same position as you—facing the same market, the same challenges—it hits home. It’s not just about listening to coaches or experts talk about what you should do. It’s about hearing real stories from your peers, the people working right alongside you in the field, making things happen.

These aren’t hypothetical victories. These are everyday loan officers, just like you, following the Daily Success Plan and seeing results. When they share how they booked new appointments or closed another deal, it’s not just talk. It’s proof that the plan works. It shows that success is real and achievable, even in today’s market.

It’s Proof, Not Just Theory
Listening to a coach tell you to “do this” or “try that” is valuable, no doubt. But when you hear a fellow loan officer sharing their success story—someone who was facing the same rates, the same challenges—it makes it real. It’s no longer just advice; it’s a proven path.

When you hear a loan officer say, “I followed the plan, and here’s what happened,” it gives you confidence that the plan isn’t just theory. It’s working for them, and it can work for you too. Every win that’s shared is a reminder that the market might be challenging, but the opportunity for success is still very real.

Why Now?
If you’re tuning into the zoom calls but haven’t joined Mortgage Marketing Animals yet, the question you should be asking yourself is—why wait? Those wins that are being shared every day aren’t happening by chance. They’re the direct result of people working the Daily Success Plan and committing to action.

The longer you sit on the sidelines, the more wins you watch go by. If you’re serious about growing your business, now’s the time to take that step. The wins aren’t going to slow down, and the market isn’t going to wait for you to get ready. The sooner you jump in, the sooner you can start seeing those same results for yourself.

The Real Impact
Sharing wins is more than just celebrating success. It’s about showing that the path to winning is real, and it’s working for loan officers just like you. It’s not theory—it’s reality. And that’s why we do it. We want you to see for yourself that following the plan leads to results.

So the next time you hear someone share their win on the call, remember: that could be you. The opportunity is there, but you’ve got to take action. If you haven’t joined Mortgage Marketing Animals yet, now’s the time. Don’t let another day go by without giving yourself the chance to share your own wins.

New Week, New Opportunity

Welcome to Monday, everyone! Every week, we get a fresh start. It’s another chance to sharpen our skills and grow as loan officers. The calls we make Monday through Thursday are more than just tasks—they’re opportunities to build relationships, refine our strategies, and generate more business.

Monday: Real Estate Partner Calls

Mondays are all about connecting with our real estate partners. Whether it’s scheduling an appointment with someone new or following up with an agent you’ve already met, today’s calls are crucial for building and maintaining those valuable relationships. Use this time to make a great impression, offer value, and, most importantly, ask for business. Every conversation is a step toward growing your referral base.

Tuesday: Active File Updates

Tuesdays are dedicated to the deals already in motion. Calling everyone in your active files—borrowers, co-borrowers, agents, even the closing officer or insurance agent—helps you stay on top of each deal and builds trust. Make sure they know where things stand and then ask, “Do you know anyone else who could use my help?” It’s an efficient way to both manage your pipeline and generate referrals.

Wednesday: Past Client and Sphere of Influence Calls

Wednesdays are for reconnecting with your past clients and people in your sphere. These calls aren’t just a way to stay top of mind—they’re a way to remind people you’re still there to help. Whether it’s a simple “I was thinking about you” or a gentle reminder that you’re available for referrals, these conversations keep your network strong and engaged.

Thursday: Pre-Approved and Looking Calls

Thursday is all about checking in with your pre-approved clients who are still looking for their home. These borrowers may not be in contract yet, but staying in touch keeps them motivated and confident in their decision. While you’re at it, reach out to the realtor who referred them and strengthen that relationship. Don’t forget to ask both for referrals—it’s a perfect opportunity.

Closing Thoughts: Consistency Breeds Success

At the end of the day, success in this business comes down to consistency. Every call we make, every relationship we build, every referral we ask for—it all adds up. This week is a fresh chance to double down on the basics, fine-tune our approach, and push ourselves toward bigger goals. Let’s make each call count, keep our focus sharp, and go after the business that’s out there waiting for us!

Working from the Inside Out

I had a powerful moment of reflection during a casual Zoom meeting with my team recently. One of our team members shared an experience that really resonated with me, and I think it offers a valuable lesson for all of us. She was talking about her journey through a call reluctance class led by Kevin Gillespie, and during the meeting, she got vulnerable, opening up about some deep personal discoveries she’s been making.

She shared how she’s been uncovering some internal barriers—emotional challenges that she believes have been holding her back in both her personal and professional life. These are the kinds of realizations that can be tough to confront, but what impressed me the most was her resilience. Despite the intense emotional work she’s doing on the inside, she hasn’t let it stop her from doing the work that needs to get done on the outside.

She’s been digging up some pretty powerful and emotional stuff, but she hasn’t let it derail her. In fact, she’s been more committed than ever to sticking with her plan and doing the activities that drive success. This kind of commitment shows that she understands a key principle: even when we’re doing the hard, internal work, we can’t let it prevent us from continuing to push forward in our business.

Working on the Inside

When we talk about working from the inside out, we’re talking about taking the time to look inward, identifying the things that might be holding us back, and addressing those issues head-on. It’s not easy. In fact, it’s some of the hardest work we can do. Our team member’s openness about her journey reminded me that we all have areas where we can improve, and sometimes those areas are more personal than professional.

It takes courage to dig deep and explore those internal challenges—whether it’s fear of failure, lack of confidence, or unresolved personal issues. But it’s the only way to grow, not just as a mortgage originator, but as a person.

But Don’t Stop the Work

The most important takeaway from her story is this: She didn’t stop. Even as she was doing this tough, emotional work, she stayed committed to her plan. She kept making her calls, staying disciplined, and doing what needed to be done to keep moving forward. That’s something I admire and think we can all learn from.

Too often, when we start focusing on our internal struggles, it can feel overwhelming. It’s easy to get bogged down and let it become an excuse to pull back from the external work that leads to success. But as our team member demonstrated, the key is to keep pushing forward, even when the inside feels messy. You don’t have to have everything perfectly sorted out to make progress.

The Lesson for Us All

I’m proud of her for the commitment she’s shown to both herself and her business. It’s not easy working on the inside while still working on the outside, but it’s necessary. The truth is, the most successful people are often those who have learned to balance both—the internal growth and the external grind.

So this week, let’s take a page from her book. Don’t shy away from the internal work that needs to be done, but don’t let it become a reason to stop the external work, either. Keep making the calls, setting appointments, and doing the things that bring success, even while you’re digging deep and facing those internal challenges.

It pays to do both. The work you do on the inside will make you stronger, but the work you do on the outside is what will move you forward. Let’s commit to doing both.

You Are What You Eat!

We’ve all heard the phrase, “You are what you eat,” when it comes to our physical health. But the same idea applies to what we feed our minds. Just like food fuels our body, the things we watch, read, and listen to fuel our thoughts, attitudes, and overall mindset. That’s why it’s so important to be mindful of what we’re consuming mentally, because it has a profound impact on our mood, outlook, and how we approach our daily lives.

In today’s world, we’re constantly bombarded with information—news, social media, and entertainment are always within arm’s reach. And while staying informed is important, we have to be aware of how much negativity we’re letting into our minds. The news, for example, often focuses on disasters, conflicts, and problems, which can quickly lead to feelings of frustration, anxiety, or even hopelessness. Social media can also be a double-edged sword—while it connects us to others, it’s easy to fall into comparison traps or be exposed to unfiltered, often negative opinions.

If we consume too much of this “unhealthy food” for the mind, it can put us in a negative frame of mind without even realizing it. Over time, this can affect our attitude, productivity, and even our personal and professional relationships.

So how do we take control? It starts with being intentional about what we allow into our mental space. Curate your media diet just like you would your meals. Choose sources of information that educate and uplift you rather than overwhelm or discourage you. Balance the negative with the positive—read inspiring books, listen to podcasts that help you grow personally or professionally, and follow social media accounts that motivate you rather than drag you down.

Also, make time to disconnect. Stepping away from the constant stream of information gives your mind space to reset and refocus. Go for a walk, meditate, or spend time with family and friends. These “mental breaks” are just as important as what you consume.

Remember, you are what you eat, both physically and mentally. Take control of your mental diet, and you’ll see a positive shift in your attitude, energy, and overall outlook. Feed your mind wisely, and watch how it transforms your approach to each day.

The Money is in the Follow-up!

Loan officers, let’s dig into something that’s key to building your business: the post-meeting follow-up with realtors. Many of you think you need to have something new to offer every time you reach out. Sure, it’s great to provide valuable insights or helpful tools, but here’s the real deal—the main purpose of the follow-up isn’t always about offering something tangible. It’s about proving you’re consistent, reliable, and available. And just as importantly, it’s about reminding the realtor that you’re there to help them close deals.

Realtors need loan officers they can trust, not just once in a while but consistently. When you follow up regularly, you’re building trust by showing that you’ll be there when they need you. They’re juggling multiple deals, so knowing they have a dependable partner who’s just a call away is huge for them. That consistency alone can keep you top of mind when they need to refer a client for pre-approval.

But let’s not forget the other purpose of the call—you’re also in this for the business! While maintaining the relationship is key, the follow-up is your chance to remind the realtor that you’re there to help them close more deals. So, before you hang up, make sure to ask the all-important question: “Are you working with anyone this week that I can get preapproved for you so it’s a good use of your time?” This simple question shows that you’re not just there to chat—you’re there to help them move the needle.

And if the answer is “no,” don’t let that be the end of it. Respond with, “No problem! Can I count on you for the next one?” This keeps the door open for future business while reinforcing that you’re available whenever they need you.

Remember, the follow-up call serves a dual purpose: first, to show that you’re consistent, reliable, and ready to help; second, to make sure the realtor knows you’re actively looking for business. You’re here for the relationship, but you’re also here for the loans—so don’t hesitate to ask for the business.

In the end, the money really is in the follow-up. Stay in touch, stay consistent, and never miss an opportunity to ask for the business. These conversations don’t need to be lengthy or packed with new information every time. A simple check-in and a business ask can be all it takes to keep that relationship strong and build your loan pipeline.

The Axe of Freedom

As mortgage originators, our days are often filled with a wide array of tasks, some of which we love, some we tolerate, and others we wish we could avoid altogether. But what if we could use the “Axe of Freedom” to cut away the noise and focus on just one thing? Not three, but one single activity that we love, that we’re exceptionally good at, and that drives the most revenue for our business. This week, let’s focus on identifying that one thing and making it our primary focus.

It’s easy to pinpoint what we don’t like doing—whether it’s chasing down paperwork, dealing with minor customer service issues, or handling tedious administrative tasks. However, the real challenge is figuring out the one activity that checks all three crucial boxes: something you love to do, something you’re great at, and something that directly contributes to your income.

What Is the One Thing?

The goal isn’t to identify three separate activities but to discover the one thing that unites these three elements:

  1. You Love It: What part of your job lights you up? Is it the thrill of closing a deal, the satisfaction of solving a complex problem, or the joy of connecting with clients? Think about what makes you look forward to your workday.
  2. You’re Really Good at It: What’s that one thing you do better than anyone else? Maybe it’s your ability to build strong relationships, your knack for negotiating, or your skill in creating innovative loan solutions. This is where your natural talent and expertise shine.
  3. It Drives Revenue: What’s the activity that has the most significant impact on your bottom line? It’s crucial to identify the task that not only brings you joy and plays to your strengths but also drives the most revenue. This is your key money-making activity.

When you find that one thing that fits all three criteria, you’ve found your sweet spot—the place where your passion, skill, and financial success intersect. This is where you should focus your time and energy.

Cut Away the Rest

Once you’ve identified this core activity, it’s time to use the “Axe of Freedom” to cut away everything else that doesn’t align. Tasks that don’t fit into this box should either be delegated, outsourced, or eliminated. This isn’t about being busy; it’s about being effective. The more time you spend on the one thing that you love, that you’re great at, and that drives revenue, the more successful and fulfilled you’ll be.

This Week’s Challenge

Take a moment this week to reflect on your daily activities. What’s the one thing that meets all three criteria? Be honest with yourself. Once you’ve identified it, make a commitment to focus on that activity and remove or delegate the rest. The freedom and clarity that come from this focused approach are transformative.

The “Axe of Freedom” is in your hands. Use it to carve out a business that not only thrives but also brings you joy and fulfillment. Focus on that one thing, and watch how everything else falls into place.

Quality Work vs. Quantity Work

As mortgage rates begin to improve and market share increases for those who have weathered the storm, many loan officers find themselves feeling overwhelmed. It’s a strange paradox—when things should be getting better, the stress seems to multiply. Why is that? The answer often lies in the type of work we’re doing: quantity work versus quality work

In the hustle to keep up with the demands of a changing market, it’s easy to fall into the trap of doing more and more non-sales activities. These tasks, while necessary, often don’t directly contribute to income generation. This is the essence of quantity work—it’s about volume, ticking off tasks, and keeping the ball rolling. But here’s the problem: quantity work can quickly fill up your day, leaving little time for what truly matters. 

Quality work, on the other hand, is all about focusing on income-producing activities. It’s the work that moves the needle, brings in new business, and directly impacts your bottom line. When you’re stuck in a cycle of quantity work, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed because you’re busy, but not necessarily productive. 

Steve Kyles and Carl White recently tackled this issue on their podcast titled “Feeling Overwhelmed? Take Control and Focus on What Matters Most.” They highlight that much of the overwhelm loan officers feel comes from being pulled back into loan files that should be in the hands of the processing team. These files are already in contract and should be smoothly moving toward closing, but instead, they keep pulling the loan officer back into the weeds. 

This happens because of inadequate support on the back end. When you hand off a file to the processing team, it should be just that—a handoff. The loan officer’s role should be done unless there’s a major issue like a qualifying problem or a need for restructuring due to something like a low appraisal. Everything else should be managed by the closing team, taking the file all the way to the closing table, and ensuring an on-time closing. 

To alleviate this stress, Steve Kyles outlines five critical benchmarks that should be hit every time on every file. These benchmarks ensure that the process moves smoothly without dragging the loan officer back into the file unnecessarily. While I won’t go into detail here, I highly recommend you listen to the podcast to learn about these benchmarks and more. 

So, here’s your action item for today: Evaluate your current situation. Are you feeling overwhelmed because you’re buried in quantity work? Is your team structured in a way that you keep getting pulled back into files that should be out of your hands? If so, it’s time to make some changes. Reorganize your tasks, delegate effectively, and focus your energy on quality work—the work that truly drives your business forward. 

Take control of your workload, focus on what matters most, and listen to Steve and Carl’s podcast for some great insights on how to manage your time and energy better. 

Remember, being busy isn’t the same as being productive. Shift your focus from quantity to quality, and you’ll not only see better results, but you’ll also feel more in control and less overwhelmed.

Here’s the link to the podcast for your reference: Feeling Overwhelmed? Take Control and Focus on What Matters Most. Make today the day you start working smarter, not harder.

79% is Pretty Darn Good

Hey there, Loan Officers! Let’s kick off today’s LOBC live show with a powerful thought: 79% of homebuyers go with the first lender they speak with. Now, think about that for a minute. That’s a huge chunk of the market that could be yours simply by being the first to answer the call. But what happens if you miss that call? What if you’re caught up in another conversation, in a meeting, or grabbing a coffee? That potential client might just move on to the next lender, and before you know it, that 79% opportunity is gone.

In a recent podcast episode, Carl White chatted with Kristin Simpson about a story that hits home for many of us. A guy emailed Carl, frustrated that he lost a deal because he couldn’t pick up the phone when the buyer called. He called back within 60 minutes—pretty quick by most standards—but by then, the buyer had already connected with another lender and was off the market.

Carl and Kristin didn’t just sympathize with the guy—they offered a solution. It’s a simple one, but man, it’s effective. Consider using an inexpensive call service. These services are a lifesaver, especially when you’re in a bind and can’t answer your phone immediately. When you forward your calls to a service, you ensure that someone—an actual human being—is always there to pick up the phone.

Here’s the deal: When a potential buyer calls, they’re often ready to make decisions. They don’t want to leave a voicemail or wait around. They want to speak to someone, feel heard, and start moving forward. That’s where a call service shines. These companies don’t just answer the phone; they can follow a well-crafted script tailored to your business, schedule appointments directly into your calendar, and even try to connect the caller to other members of your team if you’re not available. It’s like having an extra set of hands without the full-time salary.

The stats speak for themselves: 79% of buyers go with the first lender they talk to, and 92% end up working with one of the first two loan officers they speak with. So why take the chance of being number three—or not getting a shot at all?

Investing in a call service could be the game changer you need. Imagine never missing a call, always having a friendly voice ready to engage potential clients, and staying at the forefront of a buyer’s mind. It’s not just about being available; it’s about being consistently available. That’s the kind of reliability that turns potential leads into closed deals.

If you’re interested in learning more, I highly recommend listening to Carl’s full podcast episode with Kristin Simpson, titled “How to Close 79% of Every Home Buyer That You Talk To.” It’s packed with insights that can help you turn this 79% opportunity into a regular reality. Check out the podcast here.

Remember, in this business, being the first to connect can make all the difference. So, don’t let another call go to voicemail—get yourself set up with a call service and start closing those deals!

You’ve Got 8 Arms, Use Them!

Good morning, everyone! Let’s kick off the day with some valuable insights from Carl White’s Loan Officer Freedom Podcast, Episode 406, titled “Octopus Marketing.” Carl shares a powerful concept that every loan officer should consider: the idea of using multiple “arms” or methods to generate business, just like an octopus. 

We all know that the Daily Success Plan (DSP) is crucial to our business. It’s the foundation of our daily activities and helps us stay consistent in our efforts. However, it’s essential to remember that relying on just one method to generate business isn’t enough. Think of it this way—if an octopus had only one arm, it wouldn’t be very effective at catching its prey. That’s why it has eight arms, each working independently to achieve a common goal. 

Carl emphasizes the importance of having multiple marketing methods in place. If you’re solely focusing on making phone calls, you’re limiting your potential. But when you start adding other methods, like email marketing, direct mail, social media, blogging, and even podcasts, you’re creating multiple avenues for generating business. Each of these methods is like an additional arm, reaching out to different segments of your target audience. 

There are a couple of key reasons why this approach is so effective. First, by diversifying your marketing efforts, you increase your chances of connecting with potential clients. Each method brings a different opportunity to the table, and together, they create a comprehensive strategy that covers all your bases. Second, if one of these methods becomes less effective or even obsolete, you’re not left scrambling. You’ve still got several other “arms” working for you, ensuring that your business continues to grow. 

So, the takeaway here is simple: First, always work the DSP as your main marketing ARM, but be sure to have multiple marketing strategies in place, and don’t be afraid to experiment with new ones. If one approach stops working, you can easily pivot and replace it, just like an octopus can regrow a lost arm. 

For a deeper dive into Carl White’s Octopus Marketing strategy and more tips on how to expand your marketing efforts, check out the full episode here: Carl’s Octopus Marketing Podcast.

Here’s to expanding our reach and securing more business!