Daily Spark Blogs

Make Me Feel Important

Today, I want to share a bit about Mary Kay Ash, the founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics, and how her philosophy can inspire us in our daily work as loan officers.

Mary Kay Ash was an incredible entrepreneur who built her company from the ground up with just $5,000 and a small store in Dallas, Texas. Her vision and determination turned Mary Kay Cosmetics into a multi-billion-dollar global business, empowering countless women along the way. One of her most powerful principles was her focus on making people feel important.

Mary Kay Ash famously said, “Pretend that every single person you meet has a sign around his or her neck that says, ‘Make me feel important.'” This simple yet profound idea was at the heart of her success and is something we can all learn from.

1. Building Relationships: By approaching each interaction with the intent to make the other person feel valued, we can build stronger, more meaningful relationships. As loan officers, our success is heavily dependent on the relationships we build with clients and referral partners. Making people feel important fosters trust and loyalty, which are crucial in our industry.

2. Personal Connection: When we take the time to understand our clients’ needs and show genuine interest in their lives, we create a personal connection that goes beyond the transaction. This personal touch can differentiate us from our competitors and leave a lasting impression on our clients.

3. Consistent Effort: Mary Kay Ash’s philosophy requires consistent effort. It’s about making every client, partner, and contact feel significant every day. This consistency in our approach can lead to more referrals, repeat business, and a stronger reputation in the market.

4. Practical Application: In practical terms, this means going the extra mile in our communications, follow-ups, and service. Whether it’s a handwritten note, a thoughtful follow-up call, or simply remembering personal details about our clients and partners, these actions show that we care and value them as individuals.

Action for Today: Reflect on Mary Kay Ash’s quote and consider how you can make every person you interact with feel important today. What small actions can you take to show your clients and partners that they matter to you? Implement these actions consistently, and watch how your relationships and business grow.

PS: To learn more about how we can help you grow your business and develop a winning mindset, visit DailySuccessPlan.com. Don’t forget to join our free live Zoom coaching calls every Monday to Friday from 8:30 AM to 9:00 AM ET at LoanOfficerBreakfastClub.com. Also, register for our upcoming Loan Officer Boot Camp on July 18-19, 2024, by visiting MastermindRetreats.com.

Things Are Not Always What They Seem

Today, I want to talk about a valuable lesson: things are not always what they seem. In our line of work, it’s crucial to remember that you can’t judge a book by its cover. Here are three examples to illustrate this point:

1. Surprising Clients: Years ago, I did a loan for some clients who I never would have guessed owned multiple properties. They appeared to be typical, everyday people, but they owned four properties and had over $3 million in the bank. This experience taught me to never make assumptions about a client’s financial situation based on appearances. It’s a reminder that each client deserves the same level of service and respect, regardless of first impressions.

2. Real Estate Agents: When calling and courting real estate agents, it’s easy to misjudge their reactions. Sometimes, agents might seem irritated or uninterested, but you don’t know what’s going on in their lives at that moment. They might be dealing with personal issues or just having a bad day. It’s important to stay persistent and professional, as they might be a perfect match for you, just caught at the wrong time. Building strong relationships requires patience and understanding.

3. Builder Business: Many loan officers assume they can’t break into builder business because builders often have in-house lending teams. However, this is a misconception. There is plenty of builder business to be had if you know how to approach it. Don’t assume that opportunities aren’t there just because they aren’t immediately visible. Today, we have Kevin Gillespie as our speaker, and he will share insights on how to effectively tap into builder business. Kevin will provide strategies to overcome these barriers and seize these opportunities.

Action for Today: Reflect on your own experiences and consider where you might be making assumptions that could be limiting your success. Challenge these assumptions and approach each opportunity with an open mind.

PS: To learn more about how we can help you grow your business and develop a winning mindset, visit DailySuccessPlan.com. Don’t forget to join our free live Zoom coaching calls every Monday to Friday from 8:30 AM to 9:00 AM ET at LoanOfficerBreakfastClub.com. Also, register for our upcoming Loan Officer Boot Camp on July 18-19, 2024, by visiting MastermindRetreats.com.

Harnessing the Power of Synergy

Today, I want to talk about the concept of synergy and how it can be harnessed through the Daily Success Plan at three different levels: Simple Synergy, Strong Synergy, and Super Synergy.

1. Simple Synergy: The Power of Breakfast Club At the first level, we have Simple Synergy. This is exemplified by our daily Breakfast Club meetings. These 30-minute Zoom calls provide a platform for loan officers to come together, share insights, and discuss strategies. It’s a simple yet effective way to start the day with focus and motivation. By participating in Breakfast Club, you’re tapping into the collective energy and knowledge of a community dedicated to success.

2. Strong Synergy: Amplifying Efforts with Call Stars The next level is Strong Synergy, which is embodied by our Call Stars sessions. Here, loan officers gather in a more structured environment to make prospecting calls together. While we’re not all on the same team, this coordinated effort amplifies our individual efforts. The support and accountability in these sessions help drive better results and create a stronger sense of community. By participating in Call Stars, you’re aligning your efforts with others to achieve greater success.

3. Super Synergy: Thriving as a Unified Team Finally, we reach Super Synergy, the highest level of synergy, where we’re all working as part of the same team, company, and plan. This level of synergy occurs when loan officers fully integrate the Daily Success Plan into their entire team, following the plan with complete alignment and coordination. By working together as a unified team, we can achieve extraordinary results. This super synergy ensures that everyone is working towards the same goals, using the same strategies, and supporting each other every step of the way.

Action for Today: Reflect on your current level of synergy. Are you benefiting from Simple Synergy through Breakfast Club? Have you experienced the power of Strong Synergy with Call Stars? Are you ready to take the step into Super Synergy by integrating the Daily Success Plan into your entire team? Each level offers unique benefits and opportunities for growth.

Remember, the more aligned and coordinated we are, the greater our potential for success. Embrace the power of synergy and elevate your business to new heights.

PS: To learn more about how we can help you grow your business and develop a winning mindset, visit DailySuccessPlan.com. Don’t forget to join our free live Zoom coaching calls every Monday to Friday from 8:30 AM to 9:00 AM ET at LoanOfficerBreakfastClub.com. Also, register for our upcoming Loan Officer Boot Camp on July 18-19, 2024, by visiting MastermindRetreats.com.

The Desire to Win

I want to remind you about the importance of making phone calls to your Sphere of Influence (SOI). Often, mortgage originators neglect not only their past client database but also their broader sphere of influence. It’s crucial to maintain contact with everyone you know, not just the clients you’ve closed loans for.

The Importance of Your SOI:

Many originators focus solely on their past clients, but your sphere of influence includes friends, family, acquaintances, and anyone else you know. These are the people who can provide referrals and help grow your business. Making these calls can lead to deals weeks or even months down the road.

How to Easily Export Your Contacts:

An easy way to get started is by using a mobile app called Export by Covve. This app costs just a couple of dollars and allows you to export all the contacts from your phone into a spreadsheet. You can then upload this spreadsheet to your CRM and start making calls to your sphere of influence in addition to your past clients.

Simple Script for SOI Calls:

Here’s a simple script you can use when making these calls: “Hey, it’s Frank. I’ve got my business hat on. I’m just making sure you know what I’m doing these days. I’m doing mortgages in California. If you know anybody that needs my help, let me know.”

Every person I’ve ever spoken to was happy to hear from me and appreciated the information. These calls are super easy and can have a significant impact on your business.

Action for Today:

Make it a point to reach out to your sphere of influence and your past clients. If you’re not making these calls, it’s time to get over any call reluctance and start connecting. The benefits far outweigh the initial discomfort.

Need Help?

If you need help with this, reach out to us at DailySuccessPlan.com. We’re here to support you in making these important connections.

The Desire to Win

Today, I want to talk about a key ingredient to success that often gets overlooked: the burning desire to win. Recently, I had the pleasure of interviewing Melissa Tucci, a real estate agent in San Diego, California, for the Agent Animals podcast. Her story is nothing short of inspirational.

Melissa Tucci’s Story:

Melissa is an individual agent who, in the past 12 months, has completed 107 transactions. At her peak, she managed to close 179 deals in a single year. What makes her achievements even more remarkable is that she does it all with just a couple of assistants and no agents working underneath her. Despite the challenging market conditions in June 2024, where many agents and loan originators are struggling to get business, Melissa has continued to thrive.

What Sets Melissa Apart?

  1. Drive and Dedication: Melissa is one of the most driven and dedicated people I’ve ever interviewed. She loves her business and works incredibly hard every day. Her motivation is not just about monetary gain; it’s about the sheer desire to excel and outperform herself and others.
  2. Resilience and Independence: Melissa has always found her own way, overcoming obstacles and powering through challenges. She never lets anything or anyone stop her from achieving her goals. Her focus and determination are truly inspiring.
  3. Official Realtor of the San Diego Padres: Melissa’s exceptional performance has even earned her the title of the official realtor of the San Diego Padres, highlighting her stature and success in the industry.

Takeaway for Loan Originators:

Melissa’s story underscores the importance of having a strong desire to win. This desire is often fueled by knowing your “why”—the deeper reason behind your goals. Here are a few ways to cultivate that winning mindset:

  1. Set Clear Goals: Know exactly what you want to achieve and set specific, measurable goals to get there.
  2. Stay Motivated: Find what drives you beyond monetary gains. Whether it’s personal satisfaction, helping others, or beating your own records, keep that fire burning.
  3. Be Resilient: Don’t let obstacles deter you. Find ways to overcome challenges and keep moving forward.
  4. Continuous Improvement: Always look for ways to improve and outperform your previous achievements. Compete against yourself and strive for excellence.

Action for Today: Reflect on your own desire to win. Are you as driven as Melissa Tucci? Identify your “why” and let it fuel your passion and dedication to your business.

PS: To learn more about how we can help you grow your business and develop a winning mindset, visit DailySuccessPlan.com. Don’t forget to join our free live Zoom coaching calls every Monday to Friday from 8:30 AM to 9:00 AM ET at LoanOfficerBreakfastClub.com. Also, register for our upcoming Loan Officer Boot Camp on July 18-19, 2024, by visiting MastermindRetreats.com.

There’s Peace in a Plan

Today, I want to talk about the peace that comes from having a proven plan and working it consistently. In the world of mortgage origination, the path to success can often feel uncertain and chaotic. However, when you have a solid, proven plan in place, and you follow it diligently, you can find a sense of peace and assurance knowing that the results will come.

The Power of a Proven Plan:

  1. Consistency Breeds Confidence: When you follow a structured plan, you eliminate the guesswork. You know exactly what steps to take each day, which builds confidence in your process and your ability to achieve your goals.
  2. Predictable Results: A proven plan has been tested and refined over time. By sticking to it, you align yourself with a methodology that has consistently produced positive outcomes. This predictability allows you to focus on the process rather than worrying about the results.
  3. Reduced Stress: Uncertainty and lack of direction can create a lot of stress. When you have a plan to guide your actions, it reduces anxiety and helps you maintain a calm and focused mindset. You can trust in the process and know that, as long as you work the plan, the results will follow.
  4. Adaptability: While having a plan is crucial, it also allows for flexibility. You can make informed adjustments based on real-time feedback and changes in the market, all while staying grounded in your overall strategy.

Action for Today: Reflect on your current business plan. Are you following our proven plan with Mortgage Marketing Animals consistently? If not, identify the areas where you can improve your adherence to the plan. Remember, peace comes from knowing you are doing the right things consistently. Trust the process, and let the results take care of themselves.

PS: To learn more about how we can help you grow your business and develop a proven plan, visit DailySuccessPlan.com. Don’t forget to join our free live Zoom coaching calls every Monday to Friday from 8:30 AM to 9:00 AM ET at LoanOfficerBreakfastClub.com. Also, register for our upcoming Loan Officer Boot Camp on July 18-19, 2024, by visiting MastermindRetreats.com.

Always Keep the Bench Full

Today, I want to talk about a crucial strategy in our business: keeping the bench full. Think about a football team. They can’t rely solely on their starters; they need a deep bench of skilled players ready to step in at any moment. The same principle applies to our referral partners.

Even if you have a solid group of 10, 15, or even 20 great referral partners, you can’t get complacent. Here’s why:

  1. Uncertainty: Referral partners might move to a different state, retire, or change their focus. Their circumstances can change, affecting your pipeline.
  2. Business Variability: Some partners may dwindle in their business over time, becoming less aggressive and successful than they once were. This can directly impact your volume of referrals.
  3. Relationship Dynamics: Relationships can evolve. A partner might decide they no longer want to work with you for various reasons.

To ensure your pipeline stays robust and healthy, you must continuously bring new referral partners into the mix. In our coaching program, we do this by consistently prospecting for new partners using a systematic approach.

Keeping the Bench Full:

  1. Qualified Agents Lists: We start by creating and updating lists of qualified agents. For us, a qualified agent is one who has closed at least eight buy-side transactions in the past 12 months. These lists are crucial for targeting agents who are actively producing business.
  2. Consistent Calling: With our lists in hand, we make regular calls to set up appointments with these agents. The goal is to introduce ourselves and start building a relationship.
  3. FROG Method: During these appointments, we use the FROG method—Family, Recreation, Occupation, and Goals. This approach helps us get to know the agents personally and professionally, laying the foundation for a strong partnership.
  4. 12-Week Follow-Up: After the initial meeting, we stay in touch with these agents over a 12-week period. This consistent follow-up helps us build trust and begin to generate business from these new partners.

By following this disciplined approach, we ensure that we are always adding new players to our bench and keeping our pipeline full. This proactive strategy prevents us from becoming complacent and ensures long-term success.

PS: To learn more about how we can help you grow your business, visit DailySuccessPlan.com. Don’t forget to join our free live Zoom coaching calls every Monday to Friday from 8:30 AM to 9:00 AM ET at LoanOfficerBreakfastClub.com. Also, register for our upcoming Loan Officer Boot Camp on July 18-19, 2024, by visiting MastermindRetreats.com.

Breaking the Myth of Absolutes

Today, I want to address a common mental trap that many loan officers fall into—the use of absolute terms like “everyone,” “nobody,” “all,” and “none.” These words can significantly impact your mindset, motivation, and discipline. Let’s break this down and see why it’s important to avoid these absolutes.

The Fallacy of Absolutes:

When making calls or seeking new business, it’s easy to become discouraged if you hear a few “no’s” or encounter some challenges. You might start thinking, “Everybody says no,” or “Nobody has any business right now.” These thoughts can destroy your motivation and discipline to keep pushing forward. However, these statements are rarely true.

Reality Check:

  1. “Everyone” and “Nobody”: It’s not everyone saying no or nobody having business. In reality, only some people might say no, and some agents might not have business right now. But many others are still actively seeking opportunities and partnerships.
  2. “All” and “None”: Similarly, not all agents have another loan officer they work with, and not all markets are slow. There are always pockets of activity and agents looking for reliable partners.

Proof Against Absolutes:

If absolutes like “everyone,” “nobody,” “all,” and “none” were true, then why can we have two loan officers in the exact same market with vastly different results? One loan officer might be excelling while the other struggles. This disparity is proof that absolutes are a fallacy. Success is often a result of persistence, mindset, and strategy.

The Power of Perspective:

By shifting your perspective from absolutes to specifics, you can maintain a more positive and realistic outlook. Recognize that while some might not be interested or currently busy, many others are open to new opportunities. This mindset helps you stay motivated and disciplined in your outreach efforts.

Action Steps:

  1. Acknowledge the Positive: Focus on the positive responses and opportunities you encounter, no matter how few. Each yes is a step forward.
  2. Avoid Absolutes: Consciously avoid using absolute terms when assessing your situation. Replace “everyone” and “nobody” with “some” and “many.”
  3. Stay Consistent: Keep making calls and reaching out, knowing that each interaction is an opportunity to find those who are ready to work with you.

Remember, the market is full of opportunities, and your success depends on staying disciplined and maintaining a realistic, positive mindset.

PS: To learn more about how we can help you grow your business, visit DailySuccessPlan.com. Don’t forget to join our free live Zoom coaching calls every Monday to Friday from 8:30 AM to 9:00 AM ET at LoanOfficerBreakfastClub.com. Also, register for our upcoming Loan Officer Boot Camp on July 18-19, 2024, by visiting MastermindRetreats.com.

Adapting to Change

Inspired by my recent podcast interview with Chris Johnstone, I want to talk about the importance of adapting to change. During our conversation, Chris highlighted how business rankings are increasingly driven by AI rather than traditional Google reviews. This shift presents both challenges and opportunities for us in the mortgage industry.

1. Embrace the New: Technology, especially AI, is transforming how we do business. Instead of resisting these changes, look for ways to integrate new tools and strategies into your workflow. Whether it’s using AI for business recommendations or enhancing your marketing efforts, embracing new technologies can give you a competitive edge.

2. Continuous Learning: Stay updated with industry trends and advancements. Attend webinars, read industry publications, and participate in training sessions. The more you know, the better equipped you’ll be to adapt and thrive in a changing environment.

3. Flexibility: Be open to changing your approach. What worked yesterday might not work tomorrow. Being flexible allows you to pivot quickly and take advantage of new opportunities as they arise.

4. Resilience: Change can be tough, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Building resilience helps you stay focused and positive, even when facing challenges. Remember, every change brings new opportunities to learn and grow.

PS: To learn more about how we can help you grow your business, visit DailySuccessPlan.com. Don’t forget to join our free live Zoom coaching calls every Monday to Friday from 8:30 AM to 9:00 AM ET at LoanOfficerBreakfastClub.com. Also, register for our upcoming Loan Officer Boot Camp on July 18-19, 2024, by visiting MastermindRetreats.com.

Finding Focus and Clarity on the Open Road

Good morning, everyone!

Today, I want to share a personal experience that gave me a fresh perspective on focus and clarity. I went on a solo motorcycle ride, which offered me a unique opportunity to think deeply about our business while staying intensely focused on the ride itself.

As I navigated the twists and turns, I had to be completely present to ensure my safety and handle the motorcycle properly. This intense focus on a single task freed up my mind to think clearly about other aspects of my life and business. It was a strange but enlightening experience—balancing the need to stay sharp on the road with allowing my mind to wander and reflect.

This ride made me realize the importance of finding moments where we can be fully engaged in one activity while also giving ourselves the mental space to process and plan. Whether it’s a solo drive, a walk, or any activity that requires concentration, these moments can help us gain clarity and think more strategically about our work.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Intense Focus Can Clear the Mind: Engaging in an activity that requires your full attention can paradoxically free up your mind to think more clearly about other things.
  2. Balancing Engagement and Reflection: Finding activities that demand focus while allowing for mental reflection can help you gain new insights and perspectives.
  3. Practical Application: Try incorporating moments of focused activity into your routine, such as exercise, hobbies, or anything that requires concentration. Use these times to think about your business goals and strategies.

When was the last time you found clarity during an unexpected moment of focus? How can you incorporate these moments into your daily routine to improve your business and personal life?

PS: To learn more about how we can help you grow your business, visit DailySuccessPlan.com. Don’t forget to join our free live zoom coaching calls every Monday to Friday from 8:30 AM to 9:00 AM ET at LoanOfficerBreakfastClub.com. Also, register for our upcoming Loan Officer Boot Camp on July 18-19, 2024, by visiting MastermindRetreats.com.