High Tides Lift All Ships

We’ve all been there. You’re on one of our LOBC live Zoom calls, and the energy is electric. Our members are sharing their wins, celebrating closing 10, 15, or even 20 loans in a single month. It’s inspiring, but for some, that same celebration might stir up feelings of self-doubt. You might be sitting there thinking, “What am I doing wrong?” or “Why am I not getting those kinds of results?” It’s easy to feel like you’re falling behind, but I want to remind you of something important: the people achieving these big wins were in the same boat not too long ago.

The success you’re hearing about is not magic. Those loan officers didn’t just wake up one day with a full pipeline or a magic touch that suddenly got them there. They’re regular people—just like you. They weren’t always where they are now. They didn’t start with all the answers, but what they did have was a system, and they worked it faithfully. They followed a plan: The Daily Success Plan (DSP).

And here’s the key point: they are still working that plan today. It’s not about being lucky, having special connections, or being a genius. It’s about consistency. It’s about having the discipline to show up every day and execute, even when it feels like nothing is happening. The DSP is your roadmap to achieving the exact same results.

If you’re feeling down or frustrated when you hear others’ successes, I get it. But don’t let that frustration paralyze you. Instead, let it motivate you. Let it serve as proof that it can be done, and more importantly, it can be done by you. The originators you’re hearing about were once watching others share their wins, too. But they made the decision to trust the process, learn the system, and stay committed to it. Now it’s their turn to shine. Your turn is coming.

What’s standing between you and those same results isn’t talent or luck. It’s commitment. It’s plugging into Mortgage Marketing Animals, mastering the DSP, and showing up to Call Stars. When you join in and follow the plan—really work it, not just dabble in it—you’re going to see results. You’ll be the one sharing your wins and inspiring others.

Success doesn’t happen overnight, but it does happen over time. It’s about showing up every day, doing the right activities, and trusting the process. If you’re listening to these stories of success and feeling like it’s out of reach, it’s not. Everything you’re hearing is within your grasp—but you have to take action. Stick to the plan, be disciplined, and stay faithful to the process. Before you know it, you’ll be the one everyone is cheering for on the next Zoom call.

High tides lift all ships. Get on board, and let the plan carry you to the top.