Why Wins?

Let’s take a moment to talk about something we do almost every day on the Loan Officer Breakfast Club—we ask participants to “share some wins.” There’s a powerful reason behind this, and it’s not just about celebrating successes. It’s about showing, day in and day out, that getting great results is possible, even in what many consider a “tough market.”

Why Wins?
Every day, loan officers from all over share their wins with the group. Why is this so important? Because when you hear from others who are in the same position as you—facing the same market, the same challenges—it hits home. It’s not just about listening to coaches or experts talk about what you should do. It’s about hearing real stories from your peers, the people working right alongside you in the field, making things happen.

These aren’t hypothetical victories. These are everyday loan officers, just like you, following the Daily Success Plan and seeing results. When they share how they booked new appointments or closed another deal, it’s not just talk. It’s proof that the plan works. It shows that success is real and achievable, even in today’s market.

It’s Proof, Not Just Theory
Listening to a coach tell you to “do this” or “try that” is valuable, no doubt. But when you hear a fellow loan officer sharing their success story—someone who was facing the same rates, the same challenges—it makes it real. It’s no longer just advice; it’s a proven path.

When you hear a loan officer say, “I followed the plan, and here’s what happened,” it gives you confidence that the plan isn’t just theory. It’s working for them, and it can work for you too. Every win that’s shared is a reminder that the market might be challenging, but the opportunity for success is still very real.

Why Now?
If you’re tuning into the zoom calls but haven’t joined Mortgage Marketing Animals yet, the question you should be asking yourself is—why wait? Those wins that are being shared every day aren’t happening by chance. They’re the direct result of people working the Daily Success Plan and committing to action.

The longer you sit on the sidelines, the more wins you watch go by. If you’re serious about growing your business, now’s the time to take that step. The wins aren’t going to slow down, and the market isn’t going to wait for you to get ready. The sooner you jump in, the sooner you can start seeing those same results for yourself.

The Real Impact
Sharing wins is more than just celebrating success. It’s about showing that the path to winning is real, and it’s working for loan officers just like you. It’s not theory—it’s reality. And that’s why we do it. We want you to see for yourself that following the plan leads to results.

So the next time you hear someone share their win on the call, remember: that could be you. The opportunity is there, but you’ve got to take action. If you haven’t joined Mortgage Marketing Animals yet, now’s the time. Don’t let another day go by without giving yourself the chance to share your own wins.