Daily Spark Blogs

Floor It

Good morning, everyone! Today, I want to talk about something that has had a huge impact on my week-to-week performance—hitting Monday hard, fast, and aggressive. If you’ve ever noticed, the way you start the week often sets the tone for the next several days. That’s why today, we’re not easing into things—we’re flooring it.

Think of Monday like the start of a race. If you get off the blocks quickly and with force, you’re ahead of the competition. But if you approach it with hesitation or lackluster energy, you’ll feel like you’re playing catch-up the entire week. From my experience, when I go full throttle on a Monday, the rest of the week just falls into place.

What do I mean by “flooring it”? I mean diving headfirst into your outbound prospecting. Make your calls early. Set your appointments. Get the ball rolling as soon as you can. When you hit your prospecting with energy and enthusiasm on a Monday, not only do you set up the week for success, but you also build momentum that carries you through. By Friday, instead of feeling worn out, you’ll feel like you’ve conquered the week.

On the flip side, I’ve seen what happens when I ease into a Monday. If I take it slow or let distractions get in the way, the entire week feels like a grind. Instead of being ahead of the game, I find myself scrambling to catch up, and the week feels like an uphill battle. But when I treat Monday like the golden opportunity it is—when I hit the gas—the rest of the week gets easier. The hard part is already done.

So today, I challenge you to floor it. Grab your list of prospects and hit the phones with purpose. Send out those emails with confidence. Set your appointments and follow up like there’s no tomorrow. Treat Monday with the urgency and energy it deserves, and watch how the rest of your week unfolds more smoothly.

I’ve found that a great Monday means a great week. It’s as simple as that. When you make more connections, schedule more meetings, and push harder at the beginning of the week, your week becomes about maintaining that momentum, rather than struggling to create it.

Let’s make this Monday the day we set ourselves up for success. Let’s give it everything we’ve got. Remember, we’re not just surviving this week—we’re thriving. Let’s make this “Mon-yay” awesome, and I guarantee the rest of the week will feel like it’s downhill from here.

So what are you waiting for? Floor it!

Be Thankful Today

Today’s Daily Spark is a call to be thankful. As you get ready for today’s Loan Officer Breakfast Club (LOBC) call, take a moment to truly appreciate what you have in front of you. This isn’t just another meeting—it’s a daily opportunity to tap into a community and a plan that can transform your career. And the best part? You get it all for free, Monday through Friday.

Be thankful that you have the chance to show up every day at no cost, receiving not just motivation and inspiration, but a real, proven strategy for success. While many loan officers are out there struggling, hoping something works, you’ve been handed a blueprint that’s guaranteed to deliver results. Be thankful that you aren’t left guessing each day about what will bring in business. Instead, you have a system that has worked for countless others, with testimonies pouring in daily. It’s not a hope or a wish—it’s a reality.

Be thankful for the incredible support you receive from this community. How many times have you seen LOBC members rally around one another, offering advice, encouragement, or even job opportunities? Be thankful that you’re surrounded by people who genuinely care about your success and are willing to go the extra mile to help you achieve it. This level of camaraderie and shared purpose is rare in our industry. While others may feel lost or isolated, you have a tribe of fellow loan officers lifting you up and helping you grow.

Be thankful for the plan you’ve been given—one that not only shows you how to bring in new business but also teaches you how to build a team, manage your finances, and grow a sustainable, thriving business. Many loan officers are stuck living “loan to loan,” but you’re in a position to build something much bigger, thanks to the strategies you learn here every day.

But here’s the thing: everything you get for free at LOBC is just the tip of the iceberg. The daily Zoom calls provide valuable insights, but there’s so much more that goes far deeper than we could ever cover in a 30-minute session. Be thankful that you’re aware of the full, rich experience that Mortgage Marketing Animals has to offer. The complete plan dives into every aspect of your business, providing detailed strategies and tools that can accelerate your success even faster.

For just a few dollars a day, you can fully tap into the entire system and make the most of everything available to you. It’s a blessing to have access to a resource like this, and it would be a shame to let it pass by without taking full advantage. Don’t squander the opportunity you’ve found at LOBC—become a member and unlock the full potential of what Mortgage Marketing Animals can do for your career.

Today, be thankful for the resources, the support, the plan, and the community. Tomorrow, keep that gratitude going. You’ve found a place where you can not only survive but thrive. Let’s make the most of it together.

How to Discover Your Why (Even If You Don’t Know It Yet)

We talk a lot about our “why” in sales and coaching cultures. You’ve heard it a hundred times: “You’ve got to know your why.” It’s said to be the cornerstone of any successful journey. But here’s the truth: I’ve never felt like I could give anyone a definitive answer as to what my own why is. A few weeks ago, I asked our membership if they struggled with this too—and many of you said yes. So today, I want to explore this a little deeper and help you figure out how to find your “why,” if it hasn’t come to you yet.

Why is Finding Your “Why” So Important?

You’ve probably heard Simon Sinek talk about it in his book Start with Why. He explains that people and businesses succeed long-term because they’re driven by a deeper sense of purpose, not just profits or external rewards. Your “why” is what motivates you when the going gets tough. It’s what gets you up in the morning and keeps you going through challenges.

For many of us in sales, it’s crucial. Knowing your “why” can give meaning to your work and prevent burnout. But here’s the thing—finding it isn’t always easy.

Why It’s Hard to Define Your “Why”

A lot of people struggle to define their why for a few reasons:

  • We feel like it should be something big. We think our “why” has to change the world or be something monumental, but it doesn’t. It could be simple, personal, and still be powerful.
  • We get caught up in external factors. We focus on things like money, recognition, or success. Those things matter, but they’re not your deeper “why.”
  • We haven’t spent enough time reflecting. Sometimes, you just need the right questions to get you thinking in the right direction.

How You Can Discover Your Why

It’s not about forcing an answer—it’s about going through a process that will guide you to it. Let me walk you through a few steps that could help.

1. Ask Yourself Powerful, Open-Ended Questions
Instead of directly asking, “What’s my why?”—which can feel overwhelming—try more approachable questions to help uncover it:

  • What makes you feel most fulfilled at work and in life?
  • When have you felt most proud of yourself?
  • What would you do with your life if you didn’t need a paycheck?
  • If you could speak to the world, what would you talk about?

These questions don’t have to be answered all at once, but they’ll get you thinking about what drives you on a deeper level.

2. Reflect on Peak Moments
Take a moment to reflect on the most memorable, rewarding experiences in your life. Often, your “why” is hidden in those moments. These experiences might not be directly tied to work, but they’ll give you clues about what truly energizes you.

Think about:

  • A time you felt on top of the world, either personally or professionally.
  • When you helped someone and felt deeply satisfied.
  • An experience where you overcame a big challenge and felt stronger afterward.

These moments highlight what you value and what you feel driven to do more of.

3. Discover Your Core Values
Your “why” is usually tied to your core values. There are many resources and exercises out there that can help you identify your top 3-5 values—things like integrity, family, freedom, creativity, or growth.

A couple of questions to consider:

  • When do you feel most like yourself?
  • What principles do you hold onto, even in tough situations?

Knowing your values will help ground your “why” in something deeply personal and authentic.

4. Think About the Impact You Want to Make
Sometimes, our “why” emerges when we think about the impact we want to have on the world—or on others. For those of us in sales, you can frame it like this:

  • What difference do you want to make in your clients’ lives?
  • How do you want people to feel when they interact with you?
  • What do you want people to say about you when you’re not in the room?

Many of us find deep satisfaction when we’re helping others, whether that’s helping a family achieve homeownership, or creating stability for our own families.

5. Start Small
Your “why” doesn’t need to be some grand, life-changing thing right away. It can be as simple as wanting to provide a better life for your family, being a role model, or gaining financial freedom. These “small whys” can grow and evolve over time. It’s okay if it doesn’t feel 100% clear right now.

Wrapping It Up

Here’s what I want to leave you with today: it’s okay if you don’t have your “why” fully figured out yet. Finding it is a process, and it’s one that takes time and reflection. It’s not about the pressure to come up with a perfect answer. It’s about paying attention to what drives you, what makes you feel alive, and what impact you want to have.

I challenge you to take some time to think about the questions and steps I’ve laid out here. The more you reflect on it, the clearer your “why” will become. And remember, it’s a journey—your “why” might evolve as you grow.

Let me know how this resonates with you, and feel free to share any insights that come up along the way. We’re all in this together.

Turn Your ?’s into !’s

We’ve all been there – standing at the crossroads of doubt and action. You’ve heard about the Daily Success Plan. You’ve seen others succeeding with it. Yet, even with all the success stories, a little voice inside your head keeps whispering: Is it really working? Are they really doing the plan, or is there something else they’re not telling me? These doubts creep in and cause us to question the effectiveness of the plan. And when we start questioning, it can lead to hesitation, second-guessing, and ultimately, a loss of momentum.

That’s the kind of thing that causes many loan officers to stumble.

If this sounds familiar, today’s message is for you. It’s time to stop asking whether the plan works – and start asking better questions. Instead of wondering if the plan will lead to results, let’s focus on how we can work the plan more effectively.

Here’s the truth: The plan does work. We’ve seen it time and again on Loan Officer Breakfast Club. Day after day, loan officers share their wins, talk about how their calls are leading to deals, and how they’re getting more preapprovals and contracts signed. But if you’re still feeling uncertain, it’s likely because you haven’t yet fully embraced the process.

Doubts create roadblocks. They make us hesitate before picking up the phone, or second-guess whether we’re wasting our time. But when you shift your mindset and start asking how to work the plan better, you turn those roadblocks into stepping stones.

The only questions you should be asking yourself are:

  • How can I be more consistent in following the Daily Success Plan?
  • How can I shake off rejection and keep moving forward?
  • How can I streamline my process to make more calls, more efficiently?
  • How can I build day after day of high activity, stacking small wins until I reach my bigger goals?

By focusing on these kinds of questions, you’ll start making real progress. Calls will no longer feel like an uphill battle; instead, you’ll see momentum shift in your favor. Leads will start coming in without you having to chase them down. Preapprovals will start flowing. Contracts will get signed. And loans will get funded.

That’s when your doubts – those nagging ?’s – will transform into !’s. Instead of questioning the plan, you’ll become one of those voices we hear on LOBC saying, “Trust me, this works!”

You’ll stop doubting yourself and the process, and start experiencing the success you’ve been watching others achieve. The key is to let go of skepticism and embrace the work. Make the calls, follow up consistently, and take ownership of your results. You’ll not only see a change in your business, but you’ll also become one of those successful loan officers who inspires others.

So today, ask yourself the right questions. Then go out and do the work that will turn your ?’s into !’s!

Just One More

Ever feel like you’re grinding away at something, giving it everything you’ve got, but the results just aren’t showing up? It can be frustrating, especially when you’re working so hard toward your goal. At that point, many people get discouraged and stop. But here’s the thing: What if you were right on the edge of success, just one step away? You made it all the way to the one-yard line, then stopped short of crossing into the end zone. It’s a painful reality for many, but it doesn’t have to be yours.

Sometimes, all it takes is just one more—one more call, one more push, one more day of effort, and bam, results start pouring in. This can be especially true when you’re working on something new, something that’s never been done before. When there’s no proof of concept, it’s easy to doubt. You might think, “Maybe this isn’t going to work after all.” And sometimes that fear of the unknown makes it easier to quit.

But here’s the advantage: when you’re working a proven system, like the Daily Success Plan, that uncertainty is removed. You know it works. There’s no mystery or guessing game; it’s a formula that’s been tested and has delivered for many. The only thing standing between you and success is your consistency and discipline.

When you apply discipline to a proven plan, you eliminate the guesswork. The Daily Success Plan isn’t something you’re hoping will work—it’s something you know will work, as long as you stay consistent. It’s easy to lose sight of that when the results don’t show up immediately, but that’s when your mindset matters the most. Every call, every follow-up, every action is stacking up, even when it feels like nothing’s happening. That last push could be the one that tips the scales. So instead of asking, “Is this working?” ask yourself, “Am I working the plan?” Because if you are, it’s only a matter of time before you see results.

The difference between those who succeed and those who fall short is often just a matter of persistence. The ones who keep going, even when the finish line seems out of sight, are the ones who win. So, when you feel like giving up, remember—you might be just one more step away from your breakthrough. Keep putting in the work, trust the process, and lean into the plan that’s already been proven. The results aren’t a matter of “if,” but “when.” Keep your eyes on the goal and keep pushing, because success is waiting for you, right around the corner.

Gratitude and Grace in the Storm

Good morning, LOBC family. Today, my heart is heavy with compassion for our fellow members in Florida, who are enduring the aftermath of not one, but two major hurricanes. Over 3 million people are without power, and countless lives have been disrupted. It’s a sobering reminder that no matter how competitive this business can get, we are all people first—people with families, homes, and personal challenges.

In the mortgage world, we often go head-to-head, fighting hard for deals and working tirelessly to serve our clients. But let’s not forget that we are a community. We’re more than competitors; we’re humans, bound by shared experiences. Here at Breakfast Club, we have something special. For 30 minutes each day, we come together from all corners of the country, representing different companies, and we set aside competition for collaboration. We lean on each other, learn from each other, and lift each other up.

It’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind—chasing leads, closing deals, and striving to grow our business. But days like this remind us of the bigger picture. Life isn’t just about hitting numbers or winning the next contract. It’s about the relationships we build, the impact we make, and the way we treat each other along the way. When we extend a hand in empathy, we create connections that go far beyond business. We lift each other up not just as professionals, but as people, and that’s what truly makes a difference.

So today, let’s take a step back and remember to be grateful for what we have. Whether it’s our health, our families, or even just having the power on—it’s all worth appreciating. And let’s not forget to send our thoughts, prayers, and support to those who are facing the storm, both literally and figuratively. When we embrace empathy and gratitude, we not only uplift others, but we also find a deeper sense of fulfillment in our own journey. Let’s carry that mindset with us today, and every day.

It’s Okay to Be You

Today, I want to share an inspiring story from a recent episode of The Loan Officer Leadership Podcast hosted by Steve Kyles, where he interviewed RK Glover, a mortgage professional who graduated from Steve’s boot camp. RK’s story is one of resilience, growth, and personal discovery.

After relocating to a new city to open a mortgage shop, RK and his wife received devastating news: their daughter was diagnosed with cancer. Despite this overwhelming challenge, RK stayed focused, and 12 weeks later, he had 8 loans in the pipeline, totaling $3 million in volume. It’s an incredible testament to his determination and the power of mindset.

In the podcast, RK shares four key takeaways from his boot camp experience, and two of them really stood out to me.

First, RK learned to apply the FROG method—family, recreation, occupation, and goals—not just with real estate agents, but with everyone he meets. It helped him form deeper, more genuine connections by focusing on what truly matters in the lives of others. This approach transforms conversations into meaningful relationships.

Second, RK came to a powerful realization: not everyone is going to be in your tribe, and that’s okay. He understood that while he might speak with 20 agents, only 4 might truly connect with him, and that’s enough. He gave himself permission to be himself, knowing that like-minded people will naturally gravitate toward him. This is such a vital lesson, especially in our industry where we often feel the need to appeal to everyone.

RK’s journey is a reminder that authenticity is your greatest strength. When you embrace who you are and focus on building real connections, success will follow.

I encourage you to check out RK’s full story on Steve’s podcast here, and if you’re looking for a transformative experience in your business, consider joining one of Steve’s boot camps. You never know what breakthroughs await you.

Stay true to yourself, and the right people—and opportunities—will come.

Imitate the Imitators

When we think of successful people, we often imagine trailblazers—visionaries creating entirely new paths and disrupting the status quo. But the truth is, even the most successful people are often imitating others in one way or another. While they may add their personal twist, they typically follow the blueprint laid down by those who’ve come before them. It’s not about reinventing the wheel every time, but about learning from the best and adapting those lessons to our own journey. The same is true in the mortgage business.

There’s a famous quote by Pablo Picasso: “Good artists copy, great artists steal.” Now, before you get the wrong idea, Picasso wasn’t advocating plagiarism; he was pointing out that the most successful people don’t shy away from taking what works and making it their own. They recognize greatness and pull from it. This is why being part of a community like Loan Officer Breakfast Club (LOBC) and Mortgage Marketing Animals is such a game-changer. You’re constantly surrounded by people who are doing great things, and, more importantly, who are willing to share the strategies that made them successful.

Consider this: Steve Jobs, one of the greatest innovators of our time, openly admitted to borrowing ideas from others. He once said, “I have been shameless about stealing great ideas.” Jobs studied and imitated what worked in the industry, adding his own spin to make Apple one of the most iconic companies in history. The key is knowing who to imitate and how to do it in a way that suits your goals.

At LOBC, we’re in the business of making you better by surrounding you with winners—people whose success you can model. This isn’t about copying every single move they make. It’s about adopting the systems, routines, and habits that have proven to work, and then personalizing them to fit your unique approach. The power of community is that we learn from each other, and in this business, there’s no faster way to grow than by following the lead of those already crushing it.

When you imitate successful people, you’re tapping into a shortcut to growth. It’s not a crutch; it’s a strategy. You save yourself time and energy by avoiding common pitfalls and benefiting from the trial and error that others have already endured. The LOBC environment is rich with strategies that work. Every morning, we’re surrounded by professionals who are making deals, expanding their networks, and building businesses. Why wouldn’t you imitate what they’re doing?

It’s tempting to think we have to be 100% original to succeed, but the truth is, originality often comes from adapting and improving what’s already working. By learning from others and imitating their successes, you give yourself the best chance at creating your own version of success. That’s why membership in Mortgage Marketing Animals pays off—it provides a direct connection to proven methods that get results. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel to build a successful business, you just need to know whose wheel to imitate.

So today, take a moment to reflect: who are you imitating? And more importantly, are they worth imitating? If you’re part of this group, the answer is a resounding yes. Let’s get to work.

Quote of the Day: “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” — Isaac Newton

Imitate the imitators, and you’ll become the one worth imitating.

Learn to Aim High

“The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.” – Michelangelo

Let’s talk about goals—more specifically, the ones we set for ourselves. Too often, we aim low because it feels safe. Hitting smaller goals gives us that instant boost of achievement, but there’s a hidden danger in that. Michelangelo’s quote reminds us that aiming too low means we risk settling for less than our true potential. We reach the goal, but we miss out on something bigger.

What if we flipped the script and aimed higher? Set goals that stretch us, challenge us, and even make us a little uncomfortable. So many loan officers set “realistic” targets because it feels less risky. But here’s the truth: when you only reach for what you know you can achieve, you limit your growth. You’re leaving untapped potential on the table, and in this business, that’s a huge missed opportunity.

You are worthy of aiming higher. It’s not just about picking a number that feels good; it’s about understanding that you’re capable of achieving it. The Daily Success Plan gives you the roadmap. Whether it’s reaching out to more referral partners, following up with past clients, or building stronger connections, the DSP is designed to help you reach any goal—as long as you’re willing to put in the work.

It’s okay to set a big goal, break it down, and map out exactly what needs to happen to get there. In fact, it’s necessary if you want to grow. If you’re aiming for five loans a month, why not aim for ten? If you’re closing 20 loans a month, why not shoot for 30? The bigger goals will force you to step outside of your comfort zone and take massive action.

The biggest danger isn’t failing; it’s setting the bar too low and thinking that’s all you’re capable of. Today, give yourself permission to aim high. Set a goal that excites you and scares you a little. Then, lean into the Daily Success Plan, follow the process, and watch what happens when you challenge your limits.

The truth is, you’re capable of so much more. Don’t settle. Aim high, and let’s crush those bigger goals together!

Let’s make it happen today!

Something is Going to Happen

Every morning, I wake up with a sense of anticipation, knowing that something is going to happen. I don’t know exactly what it will be, but I’m wildly optimistic because I understand that when I stay engaged with the plan – the Daily Success Plan – things always happen. When I stick to the plan, success is not a question of “if,” but “when.” Today could be that day for you.

It’s simple math: the more I move, the more I see results. The more calls I make, the more appointments I set. The more meetings I have, the more relationships I build. The more I engage, the more leads I generate. It’s all about momentum, and the secret to momentum is action. If I’m in constant motion, I’m constantly creating opportunities. And when opportunities come, success is close behind.

Here’s the beautiful thing: this applies to every single person on this call. Right now, you have the power to make today a game-changer. There’s no secret formula other than being engaged. When you lean in, something will happen. Maybe it’s a new connection, a fresh opportunity, or even an unexpected breakthrough. But the key is to keep pushing forward, because every step you take builds momentum.

What I love about this business is that every call, every appointment, every meeting plants a seed. Not every seed will sprout today, but over time, with consistency and effort, those seeds will grow into results. The more we plant, the more we harvest.

Let me remind you of this: the more engaged you are, the more exciting things will happen. Today could be the day that you receive that referral you’ve been waiting for. Today could be the day a lead turns into a long-term client. Today could be the day you establish a relationship that transforms your business. And the best part? You are in control of how much happens by how engaged you are.

This isn’t just about being busy; it’s about being purposeful with your actions. It’s about knowing that when you follow the plan, when you stay focused on making those calls, setting those meetings, and nurturing those relationships, things will happen. Success isn’t a mystery; it’s a result of the actions you take.

So, as you move through today, be wildly optimistic. Know that something is going to happen. Feel that excitement, because when you stay engaged and follow the plan, you’re creating a day full of opportunities. Embrace the momentum, take action, and watch as something great unfolds today.

Get out there and make it happen!