Daily Spark Blogs

Genuine Care for Others

As I reflect on my time with Mortgage Marketing Animals, working alongside Carl White and Steve Kyles for the past three years, I feel a deep sense of gratitude and a compelling urge to share something truly special about these leaders. You see, within the mortgage coaching industry, it’s rare to encounter individuals who operate from a place of sincere, intimate concern for their members. But that’s exactly what Carl and Steve embody—genuine care for others. 

From the moment I joined this team, it was clear that their motivation went beyond just building a successful business. Carl and Steve are deeply invested in helping others achieve success, not just in business, but in every facet of life—spiritual, personal, and family life included. Their drive isn’t fueled by personal gain but by a heartfelt desire to see others thrive. It’s about more than just numbers and loans; it’s about building a life that is fulfilling and meaningful. 

What’s remarkable about Carl is that he could walk away from Mortgage Marketing Animals and Loan Officer Breakfast Club today, and he’d still live an extraordinary life. But he doesn’t. Why? Because he finds true fulfillment in helping others succeed. This isn’t just a job for him; it’s a calling. And that passion and mindset have permeated the entire organization. 

Every day on Call Stars, I witness this genuine concern for others in action. Loan officers from all over come together not just to make calls but to support each other, offering advice, sharing successes, and even forming small groups to provide even more focused support. It’s a community built on care, where the success of one becomes the success of all. 

I was recently invited to join one of these small groups by a couple of Loan Officer Breakfast Club members, and I’m genuinely excited about it. The idea of being part of a group where everyone is committed to helping each other grow, both professionally and personally, is incredibly motivating. I’m looking forward to not only receiving help but also contributing in any way I can to support others. 

At its core, Mortgage Marketing Animals exists because Carl White has a heart for people. He cares about you, your family, and your success. And he’s designed his organization in such a way that this care and concern spill over to its members, who in turn, care deeply for others. It’s a powerful cycle of support and encouragement that makes a tangible difference in the lives of everyone involved. 

If you’re reading this and you’re not experiencing this kind of genuine support and community in your current environment, I encourage you to join us. The sense of belonging and the level of care you’ll receive is unmatched, and it could very well be the missing piece in your journey to success. Come join us—you deserve to be in a place where you’re truly cared for and supported, where your success is a shared goal, and where you can grow not just as a professional, but as a whole person.

Healthy Things Grow 

Yesterday, I had a powerful conversation with Steve Kyles on the Mortgage Loan Officer Podcast. We dug into the importance of team structure and how it plays a crucial role in the growth of an originator and, by extension, the entire organization. The takeaway was simple but profound: healthy things grow

A well-structured team allows an originator to focus on what they do best—originating loans. It removes the clutter and noise that can distract from the core activities that drive business forward. When an originator is allowed to focus on what matters most, growth is a natural outcome. This doesn’t just benefit the individual; it lifts the entire organization, creating a cycle of growth and success. 

But what happens when the structure is lacking? Unfortunately, I had a conversation with a frustrated loan officer yesterday that perfectly illustrated this point. This loan officer was dealing with a last-minute cash-to-close issue on a deal that was supposed to close the next day. The stress and frustration in his voice were palpable. This wasn’t just an isolated incident; it was a symptom of a larger problem—poor team structure. 

Another loan officer I spoke with this week echoed similar frustrations. She mentioned that she feels like she’s constantly “processing for the processors.” Instead of focusing on originating new loans and building relationships with referral partners, she’s bogged down in tasks that should be handled by someone else on the team. This is a clear sign that the structure isn’t supporting her growth. Instead, it’s stifling it. 

These conversations highlighted a critical truth: team structure and organizational structure are essential for growth. Without a solid foundation, even the most talented and motivated originators will struggle to reach their full potential. They’ll find themselves caught in a cycle of putting out fires and dealing with issues that shouldn’t even be on their radar. 

But when the structure is right—when the right people are in the right roles, and everyone is empowered to do what they do best—growth becomes inevitable. The originator can focus on generating new business, the processors can ensure smooth transactions, and the entire organization can move forward together. 

This is why I believe so strongly in the concept that healthy things grow. A healthy environment—whether it’s a team, an organization, or even your personal life—will naturally foster growth. But if you’re not seeing growth, it’s time to take a hard look at the structure around you. Are you in a healthy environment? Is your team set up to support your success, or is it holding you back? 

If you’re finding yourself frustrated, overwhelmed, or unable to grow, it might be time to reevaluate your team structure. Healthy things grow, but only when they’re in the right environment. Let’s make sure you’re in a place where you can thrive. 

If you want to explore how to create a healthy, growth-focused team structure, reach out. I’d be happy to share more insights from our conversation and help you set up the right foundation for your success. 

The Truth is in the Tracking

In the world of mortgage lending, success isn’t merely about hard work and determination. It’s about precision, consistency, and most importantly, tracking. This truth has become evident to me since I started using the Marketing Animals Freedom Tracker, and it has revolutionized the way I approach my business.

The Power of Tracking

Initially, I was like many originators who relied on a general sense of what was happening in my business. I had a rough idea of my leads and their statuses, but this vague awareness is no substitute for precise tracking. The Freedom Tracker changed that for me, shining a light on the truth of my operations. It enables me to meticulously track my realtor partners and how effectively I’m implementing Thor’s Hammer, as well as manage my inbound leads and their statuses.

The Math Behind Success

Understanding the math of my business was a game-changer. Once I figured out exactly how many leads I need to generate daily to achieve my goals, daily tracking became an obsession. This mathematical clarity has brought the truth to light. It’s not enough to have a rough estimate; you need concrete numbers that guide your actions and decisions.

The Relief in Truth

There’s a profound sense of relief that comes with knowing the truth. By checking the tracker multiple times a day, I can see exactly where I stand. Am I ahead of schedule? Am I behind? This knowledge allows me to adjust my activities accordingly. If I’m falling short, I know I need to step up my efforts. If I’m on track or ahead, it gives me confidence and validation of my strategies.

Obsession with Tracking

We must become addicted to tracking. There’s no successful business out there, regardless of industry, that doesn’t meticulously track its activities, especially inbound leads. For mortgage originators, this tracking is crucial. It provides the data needed to make informed decisions, identify strengths and weaknesses, and maintain a steady flow of business.

Implementing the Freedom Tracker

Implementing the Freedom Tracker has provided structure and clarity. I encourage every loan officer to integrate such a tool into their daily routine. The transparency it offers is invaluable. You can no longer hide behind excuses or assumptions. The numbers are there, plain and clear, guiding your path to success.

The Freedom Tracker Journey

Starting with the Freedom Tracker is simple and straightforward. Begin by inputting your realtor partners and tracking your Thor’s Hammer activities. Next, log your inbound leads and their statuses diligently. Over time, this will become second nature, and you’ll start to see patterns and trends that you might have missed before.

Adjusting Based on Data

One of the greatest benefits of tracking is the ability to adjust your strategies based on real data. If you notice that certain types of leads or activities yield better results, you can allocate more time and resources to them. Conversely, if something isn’t working, you can identify it quickly and change your approach.

Conclusion: Embrace the Truth

The truth is in the tracking, and embracing this truth will set you on a path to greater success. Don’t rely on vague notions of what’s happening in your business. Use tools like the Marketing Animals Freedom Tracker to bring clarity and precision to your operations. Remember, the key to consistent success is knowing your numbers and staying committed to tracking them every single day.

Let’s make today the day we commit to tracking and uncover the truth behind our success!

Believe It 

I want to share a story today that many of you might find familiar. It’s about call reluctance, a common hurdle for many in our field. Like many of you, I faced this challenge head-on in the beginning. Picking up the phone, dealing with potential rejection, and the fear of the unknown was daunting. But through the Mortgage Marketing Animals’ Daily Success Plan and the invaluable teachings of Steve Kyles, I overcame it. This journey transformed not only my approach to business but also my belief in what I could achieve. 

Steve Kyles teaches the four pillars of success: math, skills, discipline, and belief. Each pillar is crucial, and together, they form a solid foundation for overcoming call reluctance and achieving success. 

Math: The Foundation of Success Understanding the math behind your goals is the first step. Knowing your numbers takes away the stress of the unknown. For me, this revelation was a game-changer. Once I grasped the math, I knew exactly what I needed to do to hit my targets. It wasn’t just about hoping for success; it was about planning for it. 

Skills: Mastery Through Practice The second pillar, skills, came with practice. Initially, making calls was a challenge. But as I consistently followed the Daily Success Plan, my skills improved. Each call became easier, my confidence grew, and the conversations flowed naturally. With each call, I wasn’t just practicing; I was refining my technique and becoming more proficient. 

Discipline: Consistency is Key Discipline is what ties it all together. Without discipline, the best plans and skills are wasted. The Daily Success Plan provided a structure that I adhered to religiously. This structure was bolstered by Call Stars, a program that allowed me to make calls alongside other motivated professionals. This environment of accountability and support was crucial in maintaining discipline. 

Belief: The Ultimate Catalyst Finally, belief. The culmination of understanding the math, honing my skills, and exercising discipline led to an unwavering belief in my success. This belief isn’t just about hoping things will work out; it’s a confident expectation that they will. When you know the numbers, possess the skills, and have the discipline, belief naturally follows. 

My Journey to Success Today, I’m far beyond the call reluctance that once held me back. Making calls is no longer a chore; it’s something I enjoy. My goal is simple: to get one referred lead a day. Currently, I’m surpassing that goal. Just yesterday, I received three referred leads. This isn’t a fluke; it’s the result of following the plan and trusting the process. 

The transformation I’ve experienced is something I wish for all of you. The success I’m enjoying now is within reach for anyone willing to embrace the four pillars. The key takeaway here is to believe in the process and do the work. Don’t let call reluctance rob you of your potential. 

Encouragement for You For those of you who are currently working to fill your pipeline and see results, keep going. Your efforts will pay off. And for those who haven’t started yet, there’s no better time than now. Take the first step, trust the process, and soon you’ll find yourself enjoying the sweet spillover of leads and successes. 

Conclusion Remember, the journey to success starts with a single step. Believe in the process, do the work, and watch your business transform. Believe it and do it. Your future self will thank you. 


Today, I want to share a story that put things into stark perspective for me. I was talking to a Realtor referral I got yesterday, a firefighter who had just come off a grueling shift. He shared how he almost passed out from exhaustion and genuinely thought he might die due to the intensity of the situation. There are many wildfires in California right now. Temperatures have been in the triple digits as well. He told me how he and his team had to fight a fire on a hillside that was difficult to reach. They had to climb that hill and fight that fire in triple digit weather wearing their hot, heavy gear. He said it was unbearable. Listening to him, I couldn’t help but notice the contrast to my own setting—I was comfortably seated in my air-conditioned home, enjoying a snack and a Diet Coke. 

This conversation reminded me of something Carl always emphasizes: we often get caught up in our call reluctance and forget just how easy our tasks are compared to others. Making phone calls to prospective clients and realtors is, in reality, quite a simple and stress-free activity, especially when we consider the life-and-death situations that professionals like firefighters face every day. 

Putting Things in Perspective 

  • Easy Tasks: Our work primarily involves making calls, sending emails, and having conversations. When you feel reluctant or stressed about making those calls, remember the firefighter’s story. Compared to risking one’s life, our tasks are simple and manageable. 
  • No Big Deal: Call reluctance can feel like a big hurdle, but with the right perspective, it becomes clear that it’s not insurmountable. Think about the ease of our environment and the tasks at hand. 
  • Carl’s Perspective: Carl often talks about this stark realization. He reminds us that the challenge we face—picking up the phone and making calls—is minimal compared to the jobs that others perform under much more demanding conditions. 

Overcoming Call Reluctance 

  1. Perspective Shift: When you’re feeling call reluctance, take a moment to remind yourself of the firefighter’s story. Understand that making a call is significantly easier and safer. 
  1. Support: If you’re struggling with call reluctance, remember there’s help available. Visit the link below for guidance and support. 
  1. Daily Success Plan: Stick to the Daily Success Plan. It’s designed to keep you on track and ensure consistent results. 

In conclusion, our work is straightforward compared to many other professions. Let’s take a moment to appreciate the ease of our tasks and use that perspective to push through any reluctance. Stay focused, stay motivated, and if you need help, don’t hesitate to reach out for support. Remember, you’ve got this!

Come on, Don’t Blow It This Time

The mortgage market is experiencing a significant rally over the past week. Rates are dropping rapidly, and there’s immense pressure to keep this momentum going. It’s a golden opportunity for refinances, and we should absolutely seize it. However, there’s a critical reminder we need to keep in mind: don’t forget about the Daily Success Plan (DSP).

Here’s the thing—while chasing refinances is essential, it shouldn’t come at the expense of our DSP calls. The Daily Success Plan is structured to ensure that we cover all bases in every market condition. This means sticking to our schedule:

  • Monday: Realtor calls
  • Tuesday: Update calls
  • Wednesday: Past Client and SIO calls
  • Thursday: Pre-approved and looking calls

Yes, the temptation is to focus solely on refi’s, but this can be a dangerous trap. History has shown that when refinance booms come, many loan officers neglect their purchase business. This mistake has been repeated time and again. Let’s break that cycle.

Why is this important?

  1. Sustainable Business Model: Refinances are great, but they are temporary. When rates go back up, the refi boom will end. Maintaining a balance between refinance and purchase business ensures long-term stability. Aim for refis to make up about 30% of your overall volume.
  2. Consistent Client Base: Keeping up with your DSP calls ensures you maintain strong relationships with realtors and clients, which are crucial when the refi market slows down.
  3. Strategic Growth: DSP calls are designed to grow your business consistently. They help you build a robust pipeline of purchase deals that will sustain you through market fluctuations.

Let’s commit to being smart loan officers this time around. Yes, capitalize on the refinance opportunities, but never at the expense of your DSP calls. Stick to the plan, because it’s designed to keep us thriving no matter what the market conditions are.

Remember, the Daily Success Plan is your roadmap to success in all markets. Let’s not blow it this time. Make sure to keep your purchase business strong while enjoying the refinance boom. This way, when the refi wave subsides, you’ll still be riding high on the consistent flow of purchase deals.

Action Steps:

  1. Block Your Time: Schedule specific times for your DSP calls. Make them a non-negotiable part of your day. Join MMA and participate in Call Stars!
  2. Track Your Progress: Keep a log of your calls and the outcomes. This will help you see your growth and stay motivated.
  3. Seek Support: If you’re struggling to balance refis and DSP calls, reach out for help. Join our community for guidance and support.

Come on, don’t blow it this time. Stick to the plan and let’s achieve sustainable success together.

Get Out of the Way 

Today, I want to share a personal experience that has been a significant eye-opener for me. I’ve recently joined Steve Kyles’ mortgage team, the same powerhouse team that includes Sarah Cox and Nate Carver. Not only am I helping to run the team, but I’m also diving into personal production. I believe that actively participating in the process will make me more effective in growing our team. 

Our team has an exceptional back-end closing team, and when I say exceptional, I mean off-the-charts amazing. The system is designed so that once you submit a file, they take it all the way to the finish line. This is something I’ve never experienced in my 37 years in the mortgage business. Steve has meticulously built this team around his processes and, of course, the Daily Success Plan. 

Just yesterday, I closed my first deal on the team, and I’m closing another today. What I’ve learned from these first two deals is crucial: I need to stay out of the way. Initially, I found myself constantly checking in, worrying about the little details. Every time I checked in, I discovered that whatever I was concerned about was either already done or in the works. The realization hit me hard—I just needed to trust the team. 

Here’s the thing: when I poke my nose into the process, I end up taking time away from them. I’m making them deal with my inquiries when they could be helping others and pushing more files towards closing. My presence, albeit well-intentioned, was actually counterproductive. I needed to stay out of the way and focus on what I do best—bringing in more business. 

Granted, these were my first two deals with the team, so they were incredibly gracious. But now I know that I need to trust them to do their jobs. If your company has gone out of the way to set up an amazing support team to help you close more deals with less stress, LET THEM DO IT. Trust the team. Get out of the way. 

I can’t stress enough the importance of leveraging your team’s expertise. The time you spend second-guessing them is time taken away from generating new leads and growing your business. Trusting your team frees you up to do what you’re truly great at—closing more deals. 

Show Up and Roll Up 

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of interviewing a real estate agent for one of my podcasts. This agent is a true powerhouse, having closed 61 transactions over the past 12 months, resulting in a remarkable $25.5 million in volume. Naturally, I was curious about the key to her success, so I asked her what advice she would give to other agents who might not be performing as well as she is. Her answer was simple yet profound: “show up.” 

Intrigued by this seemingly straightforward advice, I dug deeper into what she meant by “show up.” As we spoke, I learned that it encompasses more than just being physically present. For her, showing up means going to her office every day, a routine that ensures she remains engaged and active in her work environment. But it doesn’t stop there. Once she’s in the office, she “rolls up” her sleeves and gets to work on prospecting. 

She spends a significant portion of her day reaching out to prospects, following up on leads, and maintaining relationships with her sphere of influence (SOI). This daily commitment to prospecting is what sets her apart and drives her impressive results. She doesn’t just manage her active transactions; she continuously seeks out new opportunities and nurtures her existing relationships. Her approach is a testament to the power of consistency and dedication. 

This conversation reminded me of my experience with Call Stars. For those who might not be familiar, Call Stars is a daily prospecting session we host, where we all gather to make our calls together. It’s a fantastic way to stay motivated and accountable. When I show up on Call Stars, I’m usually pretty quiet, preferring to listen to the wins and experiences of others. Jenn, who runs Call Stars, does a phenomenal job of balancing the celebration of wins with the motivation to “roll up” our sleeves and get to work. 

One of the most inspiring aspects of Call Stars is seeing the consistent participation of highly successful individuals. These are people who are already at the top of their game, yet they continue to show up every day. Their presence and dedication are a powerful reminder that success is not a destination but a continuous journey. They understand that to maintain their success, they need to keep doing the work that got them there in the first place. 

This brings us back to the advice of the real estate agent I interviewed: show up and roll up. It’s a simple yet effective formula for success. By showing up every day and dedicating time to prospecting, you set the stage for consistent growth and success. It might not always be easy, but the results are undeniably rewarding. 

If you’re finding it challenging to stay motivated or you’re not seeing the results you want, take a moment to reflect on your daily routine. Are you showing up consistently? Are you dedicating enough time to prospecting and nurturing your relationships? If the answer is no, it’s time to make a change. Start by setting aside specific times each day for prospecting. Treat these appointments with the same importance as you would a meeting with a client. 

Remember, the key to success is consistency. It’s about doing the right things day in and day out, even when it’s tough. Show up, roll up your sleeves, and get to work. The results might not be immediate, but over time, you’ll start to see the spillover effect of your efforts. 

For those of you who might feel lost or unsure of where to start, I highly recommend joining us on Call Stars. It’s an incredible resource that provides structure, motivation, and accountability. You’ll be surrounded by like-minded individuals who are all working towards the same goal: success. 

In conclusion, the secret to success is simple: show up and roll up. Make the commitment to yourself and your business to be present and proactive every day. Over time, you’ll see the results of your hard work and dedication. And if you ever need a boost or some guidance, remember that Call Stars and the Mortgage Marketing Animals are here to support you every step of the way. Keep pushing forward, and soon enough, you’ll experience the sweet spillover of success. 

Focus on the Filling not the Spilling 

Every day, we work a plan. We trust in the process of the plan. We make a lot of calls and have many meetings. If we stay consistent with it day after day, week after week, and month after month, it seems that almost suddenly, results start to flow. I liken this to slowly filling a glass with water. The filling represents the daily execution of our plan. If we continue this practice, eventually the water will start to spill over. This spillover symbolizes the leads which, in turn, result in closings. 

The remarkable thing about this process is how sudden the spillover can seem. One day, you’re diligently working the process, and then all at once, you have leads pouring in from multiple partners. It feels as if the spillover happens suddenly, just like when a glass of water starts to overflow—it seems almost all at once. 

If we stop filling the glass as soon as we get some spillover, our results will stop as well. We have to keep filling, continuing with the process. By doing so, we ensure a continuous spillover of business. The key here is to stay focused on the filling, not the spilling! 

I see very successful originators on Call Stars every day. They are enjoying this spillover, and they continue to show up to keep it spilling. If you’re an LO who’s recently bought into the process but has yet to experience the spillover, just keep going. You are guaranteed to reach that point. And when you do, don’t stop. 

Here’s some more encouragement for those of you who are diligently working to fill your glass: 

  1. Stay Consistent: Consistency is key. Every call you make and every meeting you attend adds a drop of water to your glass. It may not seem like much at first, but over time, these small actions accumulate and create a powerful flow. 
  1. Trust the Process: It’s natural to feel doubt or frustration when results aren’t immediate. Remember, the process works. The Mortgage Marketing Animals’ Daily Success Plan is designed to produce results if followed consistently. Trust in the plan and keep executing. 
  1. Celebrate Small Wins: Every positive interaction, every new lead, and every small success is a step towards your larger goal. Celebrate these milestones to keep your motivation high and your energy focused. 

For those of you who haven’t started filling your glass yet, here’s why you should: 

  1. Proven Results: The Daily Success Plan has helped countless loan officers achieve their goals. It’s a proven system that works, and by starting today, you’re taking the first step towards a successful future. 
  1. Support System: By joining the Mortgage Marketing Animals, you’re not alone. You’ll have access to a community of like-minded professionals who are on the same journey. Their success stories can inspire and motivate you to stay on track. 
  1. Tailored Guidance: Our plan isn’t a one-size-fits-all. It’s adaptable to your unique situation, helping you achieve your specific goals. Whether you’re aiming to increase your leads, improve your conversion rates, or build stronger relationships with referral partners, our plan can guide you. 
  1. Invaluable Resources: From scripts to follow-up techniques, we provide the tools you need to succeed. These resources have been tested and refined to ensure they’re effective in today’s market. 

If you’re an LO and you have no idea what I’m talking about, continue to come back to the LOBC live calls and immediately go to WantMoreLoans.com to schedule a call with the main office. The spillover is yours to have; you just need to know how to fill the glass. 

Let’s make today the day we recommit to the process, knowing that the spillover is not just possible—it’s inevitable. 

Keep filling that glass, and enjoy the rewards that come with it.

It’s Urgent, Not Optional 

Happy Monday, team! As loan officers, it’s common to start the week by thinking about all the tasks and loose ends lingering from the previous week. However, focusing on these can distract us from what’s truly urgent today: our realtor prospecting calls. 

Prioritizing the Right Tasks 

Loose Ends vs. Prospecting:

  • Loose Ends: Tidying up last week’s unfinished business, following up on old emails, and organizing paperwork. 
  • Prospecting: Reaching out to your Focus 40 agents, making post-meeting calls, and setting up new appointments. 

While tidying up loose ends can feel productive, it’s the prospecting calls that will truly move the needle and generate new business. Here’s how to stay focused: 

  1. Block Two Hours Today and Use Call Stars: 
    ○ For the East Coast: 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Eastern 
    ○ For the West Coast: 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Pacific 
    ○ Dedicate these two hours exclusively to making prospecting calls. Avoid the temptation to check emails or handle other tasks until after this block of time. 
  1. Use Our Proven Scripts: 
    ○ Have a well-prepared script to guide your conversations and ensure you cover all the important points. These scripts are designed to help you connect effectively with agents, address their needs, and set up valuable meetings. 
  1. Track Your Progress: 
    ○ Keep a record of your calls, meetings set, and follow-ups needed. This will help you stay organized and focused on your goals. 

Why Prospecting Matters 

Generating New Business: 

  • The primary way to keep your pipeline full and thriving is by continuously prospecting. This means regularly reaching out to new agents, following up, and nurturing those relationships. 

Consistency is Key: 

  • Consistently making prospecting calls ensures a steady flow of new business opportunities. It’s this discipline that sets top producers apart from the rest. 

Moving the Needle: 

  • Administrative tasks, while necessary, don’t directly generate new business. It’s the conversations and meetings with qualified agents that drive growth and success. 


Prospecting is the lifeblood of our business. By prioritizing these calls, you are setting yourself up for long-term success. 

Make today about taking proactive steps to grow your business. The tasks from last week can wait; your future success depends on the actions you take today. 

If you’re looking for more structured guidance on how to master the art of prospecting and other essential skills, consider joining one of our Small Group Boot Camps. You’ll receive hands-on coaching directly from Steve Kyles and Carl White, focusing on the Math, Skills, and Discipline needed to succeed. Sign up at loanofficersuccess.com

Let’s make this Monday count! Attack the day with purpose and see the results unfold.