Healthy Things Grow 

Yesterday, I had a powerful conversation with Steve Kyles on the Mortgage Loan Officer Podcast. We dug into the importance of team structure and how it plays a crucial role in the growth of an originator and, by extension, the entire organization. The takeaway was simple but profound: healthy things grow

A well-structured team allows an originator to focus on what they do best—originating loans. It removes the clutter and noise that can distract from the core activities that drive business forward. When an originator is allowed to focus on what matters most, growth is a natural outcome. This doesn’t just benefit the individual; it lifts the entire organization, creating a cycle of growth and success. 

But what happens when the structure is lacking? Unfortunately, I had a conversation with a frustrated loan officer yesterday that perfectly illustrated this point. This loan officer was dealing with a last-minute cash-to-close issue on a deal that was supposed to close the next day. The stress and frustration in his voice were palpable. This wasn’t just an isolated incident; it was a symptom of a larger problem—poor team structure. 

Another loan officer I spoke with this week echoed similar frustrations. She mentioned that she feels like she’s constantly “processing for the processors.” Instead of focusing on originating new loans and building relationships with referral partners, she’s bogged down in tasks that should be handled by someone else on the team. This is a clear sign that the structure isn’t supporting her growth. Instead, it’s stifling it. 

These conversations highlighted a critical truth: team structure and organizational structure are essential for growth. Without a solid foundation, even the most talented and motivated originators will struggle to reach their full potential. They’ll find themselves caught in a cycle of putting out fires and dealing with issues that shouldn’t even be on their radar. 

But when the structure is right—when the right people are in the right roles, and everyone is empowered to do what they do best—growth becomes inevitable. The originator can focus on generating new business, the processors can ensure smooth transactions, and the entire organization can move forward together. 

This is why I believe so strongly in the concept that healthy things grow. A healthy environment—whether it’s a team, an organization, or even your personal life—will naturally foster growth. But if you’re not seeing growth, it’s time to take a hard look at the structure around you. Are you in a healthy environment? Is your team set up to support your success, or is it holding you back? 

If you’re finding yourself frustrated, overwhelmed, or unable to grow, it might be time to reevaluate your team structure. Healthy things grow, but only when they’re in the right environment. Let’s make sure you’re in a place where you can thrive. 

If you want to explore how to create a healthy, growth-focused team structure, reach out. I’d be happy to share more insights from our conversation and help you set up the right foundation for your success.