The Desire to Win

I want to remind you about the importance of making phone calls to your Sphere of Influence (SOI). Often, mortgage originators neglect not only their past client database but also their broader sphere of influence. It’s crucial to maintain contact with everyone you know, not just the clients you’ve closed loans for.

The Importance of Your SOI:

Many originators focus solely on their past clients, but your sphere of influence includes friends, family, acquaintances, and anyone else you know. These are the people who can provide referrals and help grow your business. Making these calls can lead to deals weeks or even months down the road.

How to Easily Export Your Contacts:

An easy way to get started is by using a mobile app called Export by Covve. This app costs just a couple of dollars and allows you to export all the contacts from your phone into a spreadsheet. You can then upload this spreadsheet to your CRM and start making calls to your sphere of influence in addition to your past clients.

Simple Script for SOI Calls:

Here’s a simple script you can use when making these calls: “Hey, it’s Frank. I’ve got my business hat on. I’m just making sure you know what I’m doing these days. I’m doing mortgages in California. If you know anybody that needs my help, let me know.”

Every person I’ve ever spoken to was happy to hear from me and appreciated the information. These calls are super easy and can have a significant impact on your business.

Action for Today:

Make it a point to reach out to your sphere of influence and your past clients. If you’re not making these calls, it’s time to get over any call reluctance and start connecting. The benefits far outweigh the initial discomfort.

Need Help?

If you need help with this, reach out to us at We’re here to support you in making these important connections.